Chapter 27: Jalopy moment

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After another good hour of chilling on the couch with my demoness, I hear Sera screaming in glee, jumping up and down. 

Y/N: What's this about? 

Eve: Huh? 

Sera: Oh! Uhm... nothing! Heh...

Eve's tails creep up on her, then she scooches a little away. 

The tails get closer, she scooches more until she's out of reach. 

Eve: Sera honey, what... is... it? 

Sera: A surprise! For a special someone! Well... for us... mostly...

Y/N: And who is that special someone? 

Sera: That's you, silly! 

Let me be honest really quick, I'm terrible with surprises. 

I become super snoopy, resulting in ruining the surprise for me. 

If she doesn't tell me, I'll find out myself. 

Y/N: Can I... get a hint? Maybe? 

Sera: No... it's a surprise? 

Y/N: Please...

Sera: No... it's a BIG surprise!

Y/N: Big? How big? 

Sera: Why are you prying at me so hard? 

Y/N: This is how I am with surprises, ask Akali or Ahri about my surprise stories. 

Eve slides off of me, letting me sit up and scold Sera. 

I'm hoping this look will give me something. 

Sera: Fine! it's a surprise... that... you can... use! 

Y/N: Use? A big surprise that I can use? Let me guess, some type of tool, you didn't... you didn't get me a car, did you? Because I wouldn't be able to repay you back...

Sera: You repay me back by being my babe... and by... helping me with it... yeah...

Eve: Did you buy another piece of junk? 

Y/N: Hey, alright, that Delorean is not a piece of junk, in fact it's probably faster than your car, no offense. 

Eve: Well, obviously not now, but when she bought the shell that was once a car, it was junk.

Sera: Relax! This has an engine this time around... a big one too...

Y/N: Big engine? What is it, a truck? 

Sera: Nope. It's a surprise! I won the auction-

Y/N: It's a muscle car. 

Sera: YES!!!

Y/N and Sera: WOOOO!!!

Akali: What are you guys going on about? Hey babe...

Y/N: Hey...

We peck each other on the lips, then she vaults over the couch, landing in perfect seating position.

Sera: Nothing, just getting Y/N a present.

Kali: Oh, what present? 

She's playing an act, I can tell by the eyes, it's all there. 

Sera: He already figured it out, Kali...

Kali: Ugh! That hasn't changed... you curious little lizard! 

Y/N: Hey, you love it. 

Kali: I sure do...

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