Chapter 32: Zaun

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I hold onto Sera as she sits down on my lap, the plane touches down in Zaun, we made it...

Kai: Zaun! I can't wait! 

Kali: I sure can... this place is a shithole...

Eve: Kali! You better not keep those manners when we're on stage... but, when did it get so rundown. 

Ahri: It's always been run down! 

Yasuo: Yeah, maybe the K/DA magic was keeping it from this vegetative state. 

Y/N: Huh, I wouldn't know, the other end of Piltover looked a lot like this place. 

Yasuo: Yeah, but you didn't get robbed when you walked around, did you? 

Y/N: No.

Yasuo: In Zaun, you can't go home alone at night, that's for damn sure, not even during the day. 

Kali: Yeah, Zaun is... not nice, just putting it lightly. 

A skip and a hop later, we're in another bus going to our hotel. 

Y/N: So, what's our plan? 

Ahri: Just chilling, I-I think. 

Kai: Yeah, I'm not too crazy about Zaun...

Yasuo: We just have to make sure we're getting paid for our time, no stiff-arming. 

Y/N: Need any help with that? 

Yasuo: Yeah, since you're offering, come with me tonight. 

Kai: But Y/N... don't you wanna see me perform? 

Yasuo: He'll have plenty of time to watch you all perform, don't worry. 

Yasuo rubs my shoulder, smirking at me. 


We're off the bus and in the "high end" hotel. 

Looks worse than my apartment above Braum's bar. 

But it's a deluxe twin suite, so it'll work. 

You'd think for being celebrities or something, we'd get better treatment. 

Best treatment we got was being put on the top floor. 

We got a pullout mattress too, if that counts. 

Three beds in total while Ahri and Yasuo share a small room across the hall. 

Akali: Ugh... good think we aren't here for a week...

Y/N: What's the schedule like? 

Ahri: W-well... we're here for the concert tonight, then we leave tomorrow. 

Y/N: When are we leaving for that? 

Ahri: Soon, actually. 

Sera: No time to chill? Ahri! 

Ahri: Hey! You don't want to chill here! 

Akali: You really don't...

Eve: Depends on what you call... chill...

Kai: Where are we going next? 

Ahri: Piltover University, more let loose, not as bad as here. 

Yasuo: Right, but at least we have connections there. Hey babe. 

Ahri: H-hey...

She looks at me then looks back at Yasuo, kissing him and then looking back at me, then looking down. 

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