Chapter 44: Mid ahh news

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We get back from the pizza place in record time. 

Yeah, my car is fucking fast, not just fast... fucking fast...

Kali: PIZZA!!!

Kali puts the pizza boxes on the table and the hungry animals come rushing. 

First Ahri, running on all fours to dive on me, tackling me over the couch. 

Then Eve, floating down to inhale the fragrance of the pizza, accidentally picking up on my scent all over Kai's face. 

Eve: You've been busy... and you didn't save any for me? 

Kai: I-I don't know what... y-you're talking about? 

Eve: Mmm... naughty little voidling. 

Sera: Pizza! 

Kali: Pizza! 

Both: PIZZA!!!

I catch the reporter faintly, reporting a murder as a fox girl nuzzles my chest, gently clawing at my shirt. 

Reporter: was found strung up, torn apart limb from limb! With a letter found in his chest cavity! 

Reporter 2: Yes... and here is what it said. *Clears throat* "Dear victims, incels, neanderthal alike, I have returned, and this time I am executing my vision post-haste! The world has been too long without my artwork and what my followers hope to achieve. We want to send a message, we want people to see and believe in what we do is possible! Because, then that way they know we are to be heard, and rules are to be changed... This will not be the last victim! But... if you are important to us, we accept your donation..." Signed, the Golden Demon. 

Reporter: The Golden Demon?! Haven't heard that name in over twenty years! 

Reporter 2: Well, the Golden Demon signed and branded it himself, even putting four bullets into the man before filleting him alive... 

Reporter: Well, folks of Piltover and Zaun, I recommend locking your doors, board up your windows if you're feeling desperate, because this is no time to be out and about with a killer and his followers on the loose! God help us all...

I shut the tv off, Ahri looks down at me with concern. 

Ahri: J-J-J-Jhin...

Y/N: Y-yeah... 

Akali: No... I'm NOT YOUR LITTLE LEAF!!!

Akali throws three kunai at the wall above the tv, panting in anger. 

Jhin? I only mention him once or twice, FOR GOOD FUCKING REASON!!!

I never knew the guy that well, but he was a fucking serial killer. 

Dude was silent, methodical, and nearly killed Akali when she was only like, what? 12 or 13 maybe?!

I might have the powers to kill others, HELL!!! I even killed two people! But... Jhin is bad news, really bad news, who was the fucking idiot that managed to let him out.

Maybe it was one of his followers... oh fuck...

The girls would be a target, mainly because they are celebrities. 

I would be a target, he always loved putting stuff on display and showing off his "art' that he makes with his "brush". 

He would string me up... as the girls just... watched. 

No, wait, that wouldn't happen. 

All of them, all of his fans and him included would die if that ever happened. 

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