Chapter 23: What is this?

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I snap back to reality, raising my head and startling Sera who had hers against mine.

Sera: Eep! You really zoned out there...

Y/N: I uhh... I-I... yeah, I just had a moment to think for a second.

Kali turns around and looks up at me, still sitting in between my legs.

Kali: About what?

Kali smiles, resting her head on my thigh.

Y/N: How I love each and every one of you guys, including Ahri and Yasuo. You guys are the normal ones, true love represented every time I see you guys.

Yasuo: Where is this coming from?

Ahri: Yeah.

Y/N: I just... I feel a little horrible-

Yasuo: Dude... No matter what happens, you're still my best friend at the end of the day. Sure my opinion'll change but... you're still my brother from another mother.

Ahri stays silent, she doesn't know what to say.

And I mean fair enough, she's going to be passed from Yasuo to me like she's not a human being.

However that goes, I don't know.

Eve will probably be next after Sera is settled in with me.

But... I'm not rushing a damn thing.

Y/N: Thanks... thanks man... and I'm sorry in advance. I'll do everything in my power, including using my powers, to keep you two together.

Ahri: That's all we ask for Y/N, thank you.

Kai'Sa nuzzles me, I steal a kiss from her smiling face.

I hate favoritism, but she's still my favorite I think.

The other girls got serious competition against the void queen that is my first love.

Sera: You guys ever figure out why it's raining so hard?

Ahri: Well, maybe it's the mark of a new season... It's almost time for fall.

Kai: Fall... I can't wait... I wanna wear sweaters and be cozy into the winter, and during the winter...

Not going to lie, that sounds good too.

In Ionia, it never got seriously cold.

No snow, just some falling leaves, no jackets were needed.

Maybe a pair of pants or leggings at most.

Kali: Yeah, that's a thing in Ionia.

Yasuo: After a major storm near the end of a season, marks the land prime for a new one.

Ahri: Right!

Y/N: I like to think it's our ancestors blessing us with their presence, maybe wishing us luck with whatever goes on in life.

Now, Karma told us about this myth or whatever you want to call it.

I like to think it's real, I mean, why not?

If there is no storm or bad weather, then it may just be normal, no bad luck.

The bad luck is if you don't acknowledge the storm, because that's Impolite to your ancestors.

Thank you Karma for giving some meaning to the boring rain.

Kai: T-that's beautiful...

Cheese time.

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