Chapter 5: Nice guy

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I wake up in the morning and Irie is gone, just some of the glitter from her dress. 

She left a note on my chest at least, what's it say? 

Y/N: Dear Y/N, as much as I enjoyed seeing your face again, and the character that you bring in my life, I couldn't stay behind, my job doesn't allow it. XOXO, Irelia Xan. Hmmm...

I look at the part my finger was covering. 

Y/N: P.S. Ahri doesn't know what she's missing out on. 

She put a winky face next to it. 

Well... at least she liked it. 

That's too bad, I wish I could have told her what I couldn't back then. 

She also said it herself; she couldn't stay behind. 

Fuck man! FUCK!!!

I crumple up the note and burn it to ash in my hand, dumping the powder in my trash. 

I get up out of my bed and clean up the clothes strung about on the floor, tossing them in my laundry basket. 

She left her underwear behind. 


I slingshot her panties into the trash like shooting a rubber band. 

I head down the stairs, joining Braum at the bar. 

Braum: Anymore harlots today, boy? 

Y/N: Fuck off... she's not a harlot, she was an old friend. 

Braum: Is that way she walked out with a stack of cash? 

I check my wallet real quick, we're good. 

Y/N: Well, it's not my cash. 

Braum: No...

He checks under the bar in the locked drawer. 

Braum: BITCH!!! It was unlocked, boy. I thought you locked it! 

Y/N: I did, but then I saw you go back there, what were you doing? 

Braum: Shit...

Y/N: Yeah, try thinking about what you did before accusing others. 

Braum sighs, swigging his drink. 

Braum: Well, I need that to pay rent, any ideas? 

I take all the money out of my wallet, putting me back at broke status. 

Braum: No, Y/N, you're broke as is.

Y/N: But you're the same person who put a roof under my head, take it sir. 

Braum: Boy...

He reluctantly takes it, sighing at the touch. 

The cleaner bumps the tv on when she cleans the screen.

Reporter: And now, for the celebrity news, quite a depressing one for you K/DA fans out there...

The cleaner goes to turn it off-

Y/N: Wait! Turn it up! 

Braum: You a K/DA fan?

Y/N: More or less...

Reporter: K/DA, the K-pop group who ruled Piltover, taking on Runeterra with their voices but most importantly their hearts. 

I don't like where this is going...

Reporter: According to our sources, K/DA has broken up. Reasons aren't clearly known, but our sources also say it's because of internal conflict.

Oh no...

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