35.When will we inform them about our friendship and their engagement?

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Kim Cheng shook his head "I never tried to find out.It was my daughter's last wish that I would never investigate about her death or the fall of our business.I don't dare to think what will Lali do when she knows that her mother didn't die in an accident.She was the CEO back then.She just said that for the years of friendship, she is ready to forgive the person who betrayed her.She said that it was her own fault for being stupid and believe that person.I failed her as a father.I don't know anything about her.I don't even know who is my grandchildren's father."

Jeon Huizong patted his shoulder "It's not your fault.She hide it well.How is Taehyung? That boy is the same as his sister.He is quite hardworking too.Look, he has also started his own legacy.You are a lucky man to get the two diamonds."

"He is good.Indeed, Blue Star Entertainment now rules on the whole Entertainment Industry.Ofcourse, they make me proud of them.Both are born to be rulers." replied Kim Cheng.

Jeon Huizong nodded "I am afraid what will happen if Jungkook and my little princess don't like each other? Will our dreams of seeing them together will only remain a dream?"

Kim Cheng chuckled "That will never happen."

"How can you be so sure?" he asked.

Kim Cheng asked him back "Do you know what happened when she came to meet me after 3 years, when she was 20 years old?"

Jeon Huizong had a 'I would know when you tell me' written all over his face.

Kim Cheng laughed "Alright! That day, Lali came early in the morning and we both talked a lot and had fun till it was already evening.In the evening, her bestfriends also joined us.They were talking about playing some truth and dares.I was going to join them but your grandson arrived so I went outside after informing the girls.Jungkook came to talk about some investments that day and we were discussing it.It was almost after 30 minutes that Lali came out of her room wearing a mask.She looked at Jungkook silently for some time and then.....

Kim Cheng took a deliberate pause so as to increase Jeon Huizong's anticipation who was fidgeting with his fingers.

He continued "The both of them stared at each for a few seconds before Jungkook averted his gaze.But before I could say anything, Lali pounced on him and he fell backwards on the sofa.She kissed him in her drunken state but what shocked me was that he also kissed her back.Both of them were like.....sigh sigh...fiery youngsters.Later, I interrupted them and Jungkook came back to his senses first.I went upstairs to ask her friends about it but they were already sleeping.So, I prohibited her from drinking alcohol.That day, it was her fiance.What if someone else takes advantage of her?"

Jeon Huizong's eyes were wide "Umm..Yes, you did right...You old man, tell me, did that block of wood...I mean my grandson really kissed her back."

"What? You don't believe me? They were practically rolling on the sofa, kissing and licking each other like they are sweet candies.If I wouldn't have been there, that would not have been a simple kiss."

Jeon Huizong coughed "You old man, you are so shameless."

"Haha..Less than you, my friend." replied Kim Cheng.

"That means they are physically attracted to each other? Then, it will be easy to bind them together." Jeon Huizong paused and added "That grandson of mine sees you as his business mentor and grandfather too.When will we inform them about our friendship and the betrothal?"

"Hahaha...Let us give them some time.I will take half of the blame of hiding it from them.Don't sulk alright?" Kim Cheng said slyly.

Jeon Huizong:(¬_¬) Why do I have a bad feeling? Is this bastard upto something?

They started talking about another topics after deciding to set up their grandchildren with each other.

The old men would have suffered from a shock if they know that their grandchildren are already married and that too with each other.




Lisa was seating in the car and Jungkook was driving as they were about to go to the next place.

She looked at him and asked "Jungkook, is it true that you really never touched any woman?"

He nodded his head "Yes..." suddenly he paused as he recalled an incident "Does one kiss counts?"

Lisa chuckled.Her husband is really cute.This man never had any sexual relationship with any woman, that's a big deal in itself.She would never mind those kisses and all.

She laughed and said "Hehe.Only one kiss?"

His face turned dark "You want me to kiss other women? Sure, I'll do it."

She choked on air as she thought 'Did you have to dig your own grave? If this god like existence kisses another woman, she will probably clung to him forever. Nancy and Eunha are enough.I can't handle these leeches anymore.Huh!'

She smiled awkwardly and said ''Hehe..No need.You can kiss me all you want.Tell me, who was that woman whom you kissed?"

He sighed "Well, I don't know her.It's been almost 6 years now.I went to my mentor's house that day.I see him as my own grandfather.He is a business prodigy and I sometimes go to visit him.That day was the same, I went to discuss somethings until a woman appeared wearing a mask and she started kissing me.I also kissed her back but that was the only time."

Lisa's face turned dark as she constantly reminded herself to not be narrow-minded.But what can she do? Just listening to how he kissed her back, she felt like she would strangle that woman to death who seduced her man.

Half of her good mood was already spoiled.Yet, she decided to be clear about his past and all those girls with whom he has interacted. Eunha popped out today.In case, anyone else also pops out in future, atleast she would have an inkling of who ever she is.

She sighed "Alright.Previously, you said you never liked Eunha.Does this means that you liked someone else?"

He looked at her for a second before he averted his gaze towards the road to focus on driving.He didn't want to say all this to her.But, its better to come clean at once.He sighed "I once told you that I used to play pentamix with my best friend and she was my junior too.We were in the same school.I liked her back then but later on she suddenly left the school and I don't even know her full name."

Lisa closed her eyes as she said "Alright, wake me up when we reach."

There was a burning sensation in her eyes.Her eyes were welled up with tears that threatened to come out.She closed her eyes and turned her face to the side.Why can't she be his first love?

But then again, she recalled that her first love was also someone else.So, she tried to calm down.

Jungkook looked at her "You are my present and my future too."

She didn't say anything and the car was eerily silent.Lisa was awake the whole time but she didn't know what to say.It hurt her a little.What if that girl would not have left the school? Then, would Jungkook have married her?

"We have reached." said Jungkook as he looked at her.

She nodded and without waiting for him to open the car door, she got out of the car.

She didn't noticed the surroundings, she just wanted to calm herself.

Jungkook came out of the car and walked towards her.He hugged her tightly but didn't say anything.

The slience was peaceful for them.Lisa also hugged him back.She is not like this but when it comes to Jungkook, she wants to keep him tied by herself.

Jungkook caressed her hairs as he said "This place used to be my favourite place when I was in school.I wanted you to come to see this.I'm not sure if you will like it."

After they broke the hug, Lisa looked around.It was a beautiful place.

She didn't say anything but continued to walk forward until she spotted a beautiful Yulan Magnolia tree.She stopped right infront of it as some memories of her past started flashing across her mind.

She was stunned as she thought about the past, her first crush and how they used to spend time together in this place.

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