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Master Gong was not used to see his father appearing this fragile as he shouted at the driver "Be fast. We need to reach the nearest hospital as soon as possible."


"Where is she?" Taehyung asked as soon as he spotted Jungkook. The group of bodyguards assigned by him has long updated him about the circumstances, which is why he rushed here as soon as possible.

One of those groups belonged to Grandpa Kim who was ready to come here but because of Taehyung's insistence and assurance that Lisa is fine without a single scratch, he was able to calm the old man to a certain extent.

"At home."

Taehyung frowned "Then what are you doing here? It must have been a shock to her, why are you standing here instead of lending a shoulder for her to lean on? You jerk, I knew you were not the right man for my princess..."

Jungkook coldly cut him off "She was angry," Moreover; before he could follow after her car, Gong Yoo stopped him. And just as he finally got rid of the man, Taehyung came, demanding an explanation.

Taehyung suppressed the grin that was threatening to bloom, though he didn't know the details, it was quite pleasant to hear "Just go, take care of her. I'll deal with this stuff."


As soon as Jungkook left, Taehyung's eyes narrowed as he looked around coldly. If this was done by Gong Family, then he wouldn't spare anyone of them, no matter what!

Though he didn't show it on his face, his heart almost stopped beating at the thought of Lisa being shot.


Lisa had her hands folded in front of her chest as she gazed at the deep sky. The windows were opened, letting the cold breeze strike her face. Her face was getting numb yet she was lost in her thoughts to realize that.

She was suddenly pulled by a pair of strong arms and before she could realize, her face was buried into his chest.

His natural body scent enthralled her, she knew it was him but she did not hug him back as usual.

She slightly pushed him back before distancing herself from him.

Before she could leave, he grabbed her wrist before pinning her against the wall "Why are you upset?"

"Leave my hand."

"I won't let you go until you tell me what's bothering you."

Lisa sighed "Will you then help me with it?"

"Of course," His gaze softened.

She chuckled helplessly "Alright, promise me, you would never shield me again like that."

His gaze deepened and the hands holding her in place slightly loosened up.

"What? You can't?" Her eyes turning cold "Then, let me go."

"I cannot promise you about that," he held her again "Lisa, note this well, I'd rather throw my life away than living without you."

Her eyes darkened as she laughed sarcastically "See, I knew you couldn't help me."

She broke free from his grasp before running inside the room and slamming the door shut.

Her hands trembled as she thought of that moment when he protected her from those bullets by shielding her. What if he was shot?

People say losing the one you love felt disastrous, she thought it was bullshit and exaggeration; until she watched him almost die for her.

Jungkook stood there frozen as he gazed at the closed door deeply.

Maybe this was the first time the couple had a mutual argument like this after their marriage. Previously, although Lisa would occasionally throw tantrums Jungkook would always coax her.

But this time Lisa was dead serious on her point while Jungkook was even more stubborn.


"Doctor, how is my father?" Gong Yoo calmly asked but one could hear the tremors in his voice.

The doctor deeply sighed "President Gong, I wouldn't lie to you. This matter is quite complicated..."

"What do you want to say?" He coldly asked as he clenched his fists hard.

Though the doctor was afraid of the man sitting in front of him, he forced himself to go on "Ch.. Chairman Gong just had Transient Ischemic Attack, it is also known as a mini-stroke which indicates the risk of him suffering a future stroke..."

"Will the best doctors here be able to cure him?"

"Well... About that, Dr. Jeon, one of the best-renowned surgeons in the world will be able to make it... but.."

Gong Yoo frowned "Jeon Jennie?"


"But what?" Some people might not know but Gong Yoo was well aware of Jennie's identity and capability. If his father can be cured, he won't mind owing a favor to the Jeons.

"But I think it would be better if you could take him abroad for Carotid endarterectomy. What I mean to say is this surgery requires some latest equipment and technologies. The arrangements might be delayed because of the procedures. So, my suggestion is that you take him to the States."

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