74: Old Bones Revealed

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74: Old Bones Revealed

"You're telling me the dungeon we've tried to open for months now. Has your kidnapped King inside?" Rafeo held Leion against his side, the soft beauty hugging his waist as they exchanged concerned looks.

It'd only been months since they returned from the Peninsula. The construction of the water locked land seemed menial in its design concept, so there had been no reason to remain. Yet, Leiodus seemed adamant that they remain and stay the winter.

"I know there are priorities here..." Kiala spoke politely to the couple that seemed to hold the trust of all parties involved. "But, I am curious. How are you two here? The lands Leiodus has cultivated, were they not for you two to rule over?"

Leion's lake blue eyes glanced up at Rafeo's mossy green orbs, their unspoken language perfected between them. He turned back with a soft smile, tucking his hands into the opposite soft pink sleeve. "Prince Kial, may I ask first, should we remain as our titles or speak plainly?"

"Plain, please. The amount of time I don't have increases each moment. Free your words. I don't take offense easily."

Rafeo guided Leion to a chair and offered the other to the Prince. "Then can I ask before we start this? Are you someone to Naki?"

Kiala took the offered seat. She'd come alone because this particular activity needed the utmost secrecy. She'd simply have to place her faith in the two people before her. It'd taken a long time and a lot of debating, but after watching the pair who ruled in the King's stead, she held hope they would choose the right side.

"You are his brother, correct? You raised him, though he was not your blood. Naki thinks highly of you. You have a very deep place in his heart. I am known as Prince Kial because that is how I feel more often than not. I was born Princess Kiala, however, Naki's older sister, only child of Queen Kialis and King Leodonnis. Naki is the only child born from Lady Layahla and King Leodonnis. He is the forbidden child of the King's infidelity, but he was, at least, a child of love."

She looked at the pair across from her, "but Naki was not welcome in the Cloud. As much as the Field has lived its existence around tradition, so does the Cloud. The Ruler finds their partner, and they keep our people safe until their time is over. Those are the rules. No King or Queen is above this. The King, our father, broke his mating pact. As punishment, he could cast aside his lover and their child or he could step down as King and do whatever he pleased. He decided on the latter, but before that, he wanted me to get old enough to take over the Crown. Of course, there are deeper details, but you two can guess the other portion of the story."

Rafeo sat on the arm of Leion's chair, dark blue brows set in shock against his slightly tan skin. "I've been raising the Cloud King's son...and my real brother is now his mate. You'd think the Gods have a personal score to settle with me."

"You have been at the center of many situations, it seems. It would do both your brothers well to remember that you have experienced just as much as they have. At times more."

"I feel like I'm talking to a shaman. Prince Kial, if that's what you prefer, before we give you our answer, can you tell us how involved we will become in this?"

"Become? I'm afraid you are already in the eye of the storm. No matter what direction you decide to take, you'll face the power of the catastrophe."

"Well," Leion sighed, his lilac tinged hair trailing over skin as pale as his siblings. "This is not a tea conversation."

"Do you want wine?" Rafeo asked with a knowing smile.

"A bottle will be great, my sweet, but also the Brandy please, just the entire bottle."

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