63. Earned Treats

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Chapter 63: Earned Treats

"Where are you slipping off to, all of a sudden?" It was barely into the night and Sega was not sleeping. While he was laid out in bed, it was next to a comfortable heaviness that he didn't want to relinquish. He had reality to face, a very serious scenario to face. Yet... the feeling of simply being, simply existing peacefully next to a lover again. He felt hard pressed to give it up.

"I... have something to look into." Aiden cleared his throat. Sega's breath had been even for a while, so Aiden thought he fell asleep. He'd been stroking the remaining welts of Sega's scars. They were healed now, his life no longer in any sort of danger. Aiden was sure Sega's elevated mood was a great stimulant to heal.

"I'll be awhile so you shouldn't wait up," Aiden hugged Sega closer, the man back in his lavish clothing, the dark blue material cool to the touch, making it great for sleeping attire. He peered over the white head. "You do know that-"

"Yes, I fucking know Aiden." Sega wasn't as tart as his words, but he already knew what was coming. "I can blatantly see the mass of black trialing over my pillow."

Aiden smiled at his surly lover, sweeping said mass of hair behind Sega's head. "Don't snap at me because you currently look like an inverted skunk. I find it dashing and sexy, though."

Sega bristled, but only buried his head in his arm as he groaned into the pillow. "Stop it, I'm already embarrassed. I can't cut this out, it's too much! As if I didn't have enough happening, my hair is being ridiculous! My hair, Aiden, my most iconic feature, seeks to reflect my inner turmoil."

Aiden chuckled, bringing his arm up to maneuver Sega's head up to look at him. "Your most iconic feature is your ridiculously long body and dick, firstly. Or maybe your rude attitude. Second, you are captivating with your hair as it is now or as it was before. I don't think it reflects turmoil, I think it reflects acceptance. The more you return to yourself, the more it returns to its original beauty."

Sega's face flattened, but his eyes pooled with affection. "You're so Gods-damn lovable and it's annoying me. Go sing your poetry to Naki. Don't treat me like I'm not intuitive. He didn't return, and you spent half the day just laying with me. You were trying to soften the blow." Sega rolled slightly, his body half turned as he looked into golden eyes. "So you've finally reached the promised lands, huh? I'm stuffed with jealousy, but I won't act out. For now."

Long, pale fingers played with the hairs of a beard he'd come to enjoy. If someone ever told him he'd let a man with a beard come near his face, he would have kicked them in the shin. "You deserve it...no, you deserve him, and you deserve the manifestation of your love for each other. You've been patient and have pursued his affections the proper way, and I hope it is everything for both of you."

Aiden kissed Sega's palm, clasping his fingers. "That was uncharacteristically sweet of you and slightly terrifying and yet, it means the world to me. He hasn't said it, but I hope he will soon."

Aiden didn't want his thoughts to travel down the road that still had a dark spot. "Since he decided to take your offer, you must know you are not still in the outer fields. Just because we are in different places, we are still in the race and it's all that matters."

Sega's heart slowed. There was the day he'd thought he'd shattered the bridge to Naki's heart. There would only be painful shards for him to walk on and he'd never reach the destination, no matter how far he walked or how much he bled. It was his repentance. Now it felt like his bridge had the cracks. Perhaps it'd never be solid again, but it was still a bridge and it was given to him, not taken.

"Aiden, go away. I hate how you turn me into a fucking docile cat, craving affection. It's sickening. Leave my bed."

Aiden rolled Sega into him, taking a tender but wet kiss. "You've always been a mass of fluff and misplaced feelings. I just knew the right places to pet to fix that attitude of yours."

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