6. Familiar Scents

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Chapter 6: Familiar Scents

"The sun is beginning to set, My Lord, shall we find a place to lay our heads for the night?"

A massive form of flowing  gold fur sat atop a jutting rock that hung over a great deal of the seemingly endless stretch of the mountain below them. The mountains extended high above them as well. The highest peaks sat white with snow, the middle ground a clash of grays, and the bottom a scatter of gray and green as the harsh terrain began to blend with fields, forest, and the great river that divided the Field Pack from the Mountain Pack.

Eyes that were gleaming gold looked out over the lands from top to bottom, surveying their distance and their surroundings.

Nearly three weeks passed since they'd left their home to make the journey to the adjacent Pack lands, and he started to wonder how he'd ever made it up these mountains so long ago.

They were a peaceful set of mountains, though, and they were his mountains. He knew them well, and he knew that finding a safe place to sleep wasn't that big of a deal. Most nomads kept to themselves, and he saw no reason to run them off. Still, the air felt chilly, and the night might run cold.

Rogue Shashiva with I'll intentions towards travelers knew not to roam the path between packs. If he caught them, they'd find religion quickly. He'd make them meet the Gods.

He yawned, his jaws opening widely to reveal rows of sharp teeth and massive canines that could kill. Stretching, he glanced back at one of his best men, the son of a man he could call a mentor, and his best friend who insisted on taking on his journey as well.

"Riel, wouldn't it be amazing if there was a giant lake you could just jump into in the middle of the mountains?"

Riel threw back his red head, his sharp nose pointed up to the sky, as he shook his head, sighing at his leader. "Lord Aiden, was that what you were contemplating this entire time? A giant swimming pool? Aren't you too old for thoughts like that?"

"Too old!" Aiden gave him a toothy grin that looked more like a snarl. "I'm a young man, and so are you! We aren't too old for anything! We don't even have prospective mates yet. We are free and youthful! Why can't we dream about swimming pools?"

Riel smirked, "I swear you are a giant kid just like His Highness. He was never serious about anything either, not even important Royal matters like this. You should be looking for a mate by now. Even Yusiel would be hammering that into your head, may the Gods rest his soul."

Aiden smiled, fond memories of the late King's playfulness coming into his head. "He was a big old goof, wasn't he... I still can't believe he was taken from us so soon."

Riel came over to Aiden, ruffling his fur as he'd shifted back to his human form before smiling sadly himself. "The tragedy lingers in our hearts, and I know the Queen misses him dearly, but he would have been proud of the man you are today. The queen certainly is. You have become a man worthy of usurping the title of Pack Leader and King, which is why you need to buckle down and start looking. You know you'll have to think about it soon. That's the whole point of us leaving our city."

Riel smirked, green eyes alight with mischief. “I can't believe I haven't gotten on your nerves yet with the Lord title. Have you thought about how you'll approach the Field King? You know, since you are technically a criminal.”

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