23. Carnivores cont.

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Chapter 23: Carnivores cont.


Aiden didn't need to be told that he was being outmatched in speed by the three Werewolves that were after them to kill. Perhaps it was better to say the smallest one rode his heels and the other two were attempting to cover the distance with their great paws. He growled as he dodged snapping jaws, confused as to why the smallest of the brown trio could keep up with him. Werewolves had immense strength, their body size alone added force to their attacks, but it also made them slower than Shashiva.

Their kinds did not interact, there was no need for Shashiva to extend anymore into the mountains that separated them from the human world. Whatever roamed the human's side, they left alone. He was sure other things on the planet had their own pockets of civilization and they kept to themselves. He had no desire to go and undercover the unknown and Weres were the only other creature he'd encountered. They didn't live in the Mountains, the mountains were notorious for all things nomadic. Much like the Shashiva, Weres too had their outcast and they were brutes, to begin with. A banished werewolf was the worst of the worst.

Aiden turned because couldn't outrun the first one. If he wasted energy trying to get away only to be attacked from behind, he'd be even more at a disadvantage. He stared down the dark brown female. She was almost his size but he was big for his kind. Even still for her kind, she was a runt. She stared at him silently before she began to fully change into something that looked more Shashiva than Were.

Aiden's golden orbs narrowed as she snarled and growled at him. Never in his life had he seen such a thing happen. Naki gripped onto him tighter as he tensed. If he were alone he'd be less worried but he had to protect Naki and keep them alive. He needed Naki to snap out of his daze so he could run on ahead, he could tell though the way Naki was having trouble staying upright, that he wouldn't get far.

"You could not outrun me in half shift and you will not outrun me in full shift."

His eyes widened. The She-were spoke their language near perfectly. It was one thing for nomads to pick up snippets of each other's languages, but she spoke as if she was reared by Shashiva.

"What are you," he growled out to her. He knew she tried to stall. Her friends were closing in over the expanse of land between them and fighting off three Weres was not an ideal situation.

"I am a nomadic hybrid, Were and Shashiva." Her eyes narrowed, "my parents were killed by your despicable and prejudiced kind. You have a scent on you, a scent that I would never forget. You smell like the man called Sega of the Field Pack."

Aiden cocked his head at her. "How do you..."

"I will remember that man until the day I die! You Shashiva want to take over as if you are the only things that roam this world! He is a murderer! He and his father! They took away my parents because they loved each other and I will never forget that man or his scent drenched in blood! For years I have roamed the outskirts of this territory waiting, hoping to catch him alone." Yellow eyes that gleamed in the moonlight lit with a coldness. "I always thought it was a fool's dream, the odds, the chances, yet here you are, reeking of his scent."

Aiden growled, "we have nothing to do with Sega!" His brows furrowed, did the man come with a curse now? Did simply knowing the other mean nothing but bad omens? It always came down to fucking Sega!

"Lies. His scent would not cling to you if you were not close to him. What better revenge than to kill someone close to him? Enough talking, I have waited my life for such a moment and I will make sure I savor it!" Her eyes trailed to the boy on top of the other's back. "I think I'll start with him."

Aiden dodged as the female threw herself, aiming straight for Naki. With ease he turned on his hind legs, pushing off the dirt of the flat land to lounge at her before she could land on her feet, biting into her shoulder, sending her flying away from them to the ground.

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