31: Puppy Love Part 1

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Chapter 31: Puppy Love part 1

The night still buzzed, the town still as lively as they were doing the day albeit a bit quieter and not as much shouting. There was liquor galore and many still roamed the streets, happily going about the festivities that continued even though the moon sat high in the sky. The manor was no different, despite normally being a quiet place, nothing was quiet about it tonight. The young Beta was having, what could only be called, a Royal sleepover, having invited his new friends over to the castle. His mates had feared that he would extend the invitation to the entire Orphanage but luckily Naki stuck to the five that had seemed to form some sort of fan guild for him. The youngsters had not had liquor, they were just rowdy. Naki, Cerise, Liathan, and Vio though, they had certainly found their way into all manner of infused foods and drinks and the lot were rowdily roughing about in a massive guest room large enough to house them all. They were well taken care of, staff at their buzzed beck and call, the lot just seemed happy to be together however and they were more than pleased to include Naki's new little renegade band of misfits. Perhaps the lot reminded them of themselves, not that the age difference was that vast.

The King and the Prince didn't mind, it was a good day and there was no reason to ruin the night. They had ate and drank to their fill too, not that it was anything new to either of them, the extravagant meal. Aiden though, he was not a "get drunk" kind of guy. He had had a few crazy nights in the time between exiting his teen years and entering his twenties. Now in his young twenties, or the Shashiva equivalent of "twenties" he had settled down quite a lot. He was called a rogue in his days but he had lost interest in that kind of life in hopes of more fruitful things.

Tonight though, tonight he was drunk. It took three guards to help him out of the coach and into the manor. Sega was drunk too but he was far more used to walking with blurred vision; it only took 1 guard to hold him up, for that he felt he was the victor! The guards at least knew that Aiden slept in the King's chamber and Sega had the large suite adjacent to his. With all the buzz still in the air though, neither of them could sleep. Sega knew Naki wouldn't be sleeping near him and Aiden felt that Naki would certainly be spending the night with his friends. Either way, both men felt nothing but restless.

Aiden furrowed his brows, rolling onto his broad back, laying lazily across his deep bronze and chocolate bed, one thick thigh cocked, a chiseled tan arm thrown over his eyes. His shining and adorned hair blending in with the accent of gold in his bedding. He definitely sported a raging hard on. He frowned, rolling his head in annoyance. He knew why, all he could see in his mind was those pools of silver that surrounded soft amethyst which caused him to sink madly. Gods! What he wouldn't do to have those eyes staring at him right now, the look in them he would cause would be less than innocent.

The many long and dry months were hard on him, though he wouldn't dare touch another. He was not that kind of man, if he could not have his mate then he would have to do without. Even though their mating had begun with a pact and eventually Naki would have had to meet his end of the bargain, Aiden did not want things to be that way. He wanted Naki to want him, not to just want to use his means as a way to leave his world. He wanted Naki to come to his bed willingly and want to be near him wholeheartedly. He groaned again, though he had been determined to accept a celibate fate his traitorous body rebelled, warning him that his talk may have been bigger than what he could back up.

"You fucked Sega you idiot," he huffed, "faithful my ass." He looked up at his extravagantly painted ceiling. Painted figures, cherub and mostly naked blending into the design. Aiden felt at odds, they had all three entered into a dual mating, though he and Sega were not mated and held absolutely no obligations towards each other. Technically, he was a lecherous cheat even if Naki probably could care less. He should have felt more lecherous but, he rubbed at his bleary eyes, old feelings of who knows...lust perhaps, had sprung up that night and damn it if it hadn't provided some desperately needed relief. It was not going to happen again though, nope. It was simply all the primal energy that they had pent up that caused the event.

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