39. Playing Chase 2

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Chapter 39: Playing Chase Part 2

Two toned eyes couldn't help but attach to an ample pair of breast that were spilling over the low cut red dress, their shiny gleam catching the light of the chandeliers and trapped his gaze. Seeing a woman's anatomy up so close, the sudden heat that spread through him rushed to his cheeks spreading pink across soft brown.

Marielle clasped Naki's arm tighter, reveling at the taunt muscles there. "Naki you look so slim but when I feel you through your cloths I can feel how sculpted your body really is." She giggled, a mix of her own amusement and the many drinks she'd had. "How can you be so handsome," she let her thumb and forefinger rub the shell of one ear, "even your ears look so delectable."

Naki laughed nervously, heart hammering away against his chest. His breath came out a little heavier and he felt hotter. "Hahaha uh t... thanks Marielle you are too kind with your compliments." He reached up to stop her hand from rubbing his ear, she was causing weird feelings.

Marielle used the opportunity to loop her fingers through Naki's, bringing herself closer, nearly in his lap. "You're so shy," she giggled, "I just want to eat you up you're so darn cute!" She let her hands run through Naki's silky tresses, falling onto his lap in the process. "Even your hair is silky," she pouted.

Naki's eyes slid to Cerise across the table, his friend's blue eyes were wide and Naki could tell he tried to hide a smile though Cerise's expression portrayed great concern for his friend. Marielle fell against Naki, hugging his neck as she cooed about how warm he was and he was pretty sure their new friend was drunk. He gave Cerise a 'help me' look but his equally inebriated friend only laughed and turned away. Lourne too took amusement in his dismay and the two of them were causing him all the more embarrassment, making a great deal of noise with their laughter.


"That lot certainly seems to be enjoying the night's festivities." Sane's green eyes were trained on the rowdy group and the array of youngsters gathered there. Among them Sylas was perhaps the oldest but still to them he was younger. He smirked in vast amusement, sliding his eyes to Sega and Aiden. "Particularly..."

Aiden let out a sound that could only be called a grumble, his nose twisted and he wore half of a grimace. They weren't so close that he could hear words or smell scents but he could see clear as day the young woman who was coiled around Naki like a snake. She was a young and very pretty young woman, she was certainly built for trouble, he could tell from here.

Emery chuckled, her husky voice catching his attention. "Oh Gods she is at it again. That is my niece, Marielle, she is here with me to prospect a mate." Emery smirked, her emerald eyes alight with mischief, "she is well into her prime and with the season coming up..."

Aiden's jaw ticked a bit. It was mostly an unspoken notion among them, depending on the partnership one had with their mate, polyamory wasn't a shameful thing. He swore mentally, he and Naki had only shared a bed once, now that he was back, he was hoping that they could get over their barrier. He didn't need Naki experiencing the wiles of woman.

Sega scoffed, "trust me Sane, we're not worried. Naki has no interest in females, he never got the chance."

"Ahaha,"Micholle couldn't help his laughter, he had his blonde locks tied back and eyes a dark blue crinkled. Despite being from the Forest and heading their Hunters, he did not have their usual surly personality. "Is that not all the more reason to be worried! I remember our first season here, meeting... seasoned women. How good were we at ignoring their calls."

"Ha!" Alfonz let out a deep laugh, shaking his head, "I'm no spring chicken but when this one set her sights on me I was a rabbit caught by a wolf! I am a firm believer in the spells a woman can cast on a man!" Alfonz stoof between Sega and Aiden and gave them both a hardy clap to the back. "Naki's young, and with the ability to put his ears away he'll experience things more as a man! Don't get too comfortable boys."

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