58. Bag Dog Origins part 5

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Trigger: Angsty stuff

Chapter 58: Bag Dog Origins part 5

"Was it worth it, Tizzana?" Leiodus trailed around the bound woman, a trail of bound bodies, both Shashiva and Werewolves tied up on the ground, bloodied and beaten. Leiodus looked to his son, the perfectly forged blades crossed at the woman's neck.

It was now time for the snow to fall again. This year would be a mating season, so it was imperative that they conquer the final stretch of the peninsula so they could return home and new pups could be born. They would need all the bodies they could get when the time came.

He smirked as he looked at the trail of people, about thirty of them in a perfect line, waiting their turn to die. A small sliver of what was left to pick off. The sounds of sobbing and cries of pain could be heard down the line, yet still the ring leader did not flinch.

"The sound of life after life being taken away because of your ambitions. Does it grate on your ears? I let hungry beasts join my ranks so they could feed and have some semblance of importance in their lives and you invite them to a revolt in uprising? Why? I really am curious. You had everything. Your hunting skills were on par with any man here, hell you lead ranks like a born general. So why side with mangy hulks that would eat their own brethren?"

Tizzana's reddish brown eyes blazed in the high sun. Someone badly bruised one from her capture, but the man who had done it didn't really have to worry about how his eyes looked anymore. The dead weren't really vain. She smirked, her busted lips curling up.

"Don't act like you don't know the answer. Why is it that every deranged ruler fully believes they are just and benevolent, especially when death litters the ground behind them?" She rolled back her shoulders, looking at her mate, a little Were with a big heart and even bigger confidence. She would not let him see any fear in her eyes. They had gotten their child away, and that was all that mattered. Even if they failed here, one day, perhaps she would do something great in their stead.

"You never seem to ask why not, Your Highness. Look at what you've done to claim this land you called uncharted. Uncharted by who, by you? So all the occupants, all the people who have had and still have, lives in this land, they are nothing but trash littering the path on your little expedition. I thought we were coming here to grow our home, to offer those without a pack or a steady life, safety and new opportunity."

She spat blood at the man's feet, "you came here for fodder for your army and to steal these lands because you want to expand your Packlands. You came here murdering, destroying... decimated this place. All for a new fucking castle by the sea? You are a plague, not a King. I've never felt such dark coldness from a person until I have seen you in battle. You don't care who surrenders or who fights, if they look useless, you dispose of them."

Tizzana looked at the people she called friends her whole life. The people who should have been at home with their families. They should be living their regular lives, not made to travel to the other side of the whole Packlands just to stain their hands and hearts with blood. "Look at what he has done to all of you. He has stained your minds with nightmares to come. What you've had to do will never leave your heads or hearts. When we razed everything that the last nomad resistance had to eat, they were not fighters, just people born here and living their lives no different from ours. Except they don't have some notion of one ruling all. One mind cannot outdo a collection of minds and yet we base our entire way of life on it!"

She looked at the crazy King. "But men like him, they will never believe in freedom, they only want their empires and to reign like Gods that control all the pawns in the world! You call the Weres beast, but who do they bother? They are no different from you! They protect their homes from invaders. But they aren't your kind, so they are insignificant to you. You bring your sheer numbers with your twisted partner in crime and just sweep this place clean! So yes, Leiodus, I fucking started a revolt. You and Vyjas, your heads belong on a platter and burned to ash so that you're blown away into nothing but black marks in history."

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