32. Puppy Love Part 2

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Art by Serinityainferno

Chapter 32: Puppy Love Part 2

Naki peered curiously around him, leaning slightly out of the window. The thing called a seat belt keeping him firmly in place as the vehicle rolled down a hard-packed road that was no longer smoothed or paved. He looked back at the Mountain City. It was beautiful even from the outside, with the way the sun shone over the sloping buildings. He looked ahead again. Mountains lay all around, but most noticeable was the massive waterfall that technically lay behind the castle. Aiden said that they were going to eat at the best place in town, but technically, it seemed like they were outside of the city. He sat back again before peering over at Aiden again, watching his wavy locks blow in the wind.

Aiden chuckled. "I know you are going to ask me for the sixth time where we are going, and I'm still not telling you." He peered over at Naki, golden eyes shining, their depths enhanced by the fiery sun. "Who knew you were so impatient?"

Naki smiled to himself. He supposed there was a lot that Aiden didn't know about him. It wasn't the other's fault. They hadn't had much time together. It was good that they would get to spend time together so they could learn little things about each other.

"But... Are we almost there yet?"

Aiden's laugh was a melodious sound to Naki's ears. "We will park here, and the rest of the way is on foot if you think you are brave enough."

Naki's ears twitched as his brows rose with pure curiosity. On foot? He peered at where they were. In front of them stretched a massive expanse of glistening water. In the middle, far into the water, was a massive downpour of water that seemed to appear from the skies themselves. The mist it caused spread like specks of magic in the air.

Naki exited the car with Aiden, peering up at the jetting combination of compacted earth and elements built and shaped by the fierce elements. He looked at the water and then at Aiden, his brows raising.

"We have to go up." Aiden pointed towards the jetting slopes, which, to a normal Shashiva, might look imposing, but to him, it was moderate exercise. He looked towards Naki, raising his thick brows in answer to Naki's current expression.

Naki looked up. His eyes widened as he looked at the slope. It wasn't a casual hike kind of slope. It was an if you fell, then you would die kind of slope. "Aiden I couldn't even..." He looked back toward the other. "I have the coordination of a newborn deer on ice."

Aiden chuckled, coming to stand closer to Naki. "Don't worry, I won't make you climb. That is a slope even some of my skilled hunters couldn't tackle. You can get on my back. I promise I will never let any harm come to you."

Naki didn't know what to say. Aiden had brought him out here, and whatever was on top of the mountain had to be special for Aiden to have brought him to such a secluded spot. He looked at the Mountain again. It combined his two biggest fears: falling to his death and being crushed by rocks. Though normally he would tremble with fear at the thought, it was more like fear at the edge of his mind. He just felt safe with Aiden, even if the crazy man asked him to ride on his back as he climbed a damn mountain. What a lug!

"You are insane!" Naki shook his head. "Is this what you do on first dates? Ask a guy to climb a mountain on your back spur of the moment?"

Aiden's brows quirked, but his lips spread into a sly smirk. "First date? Are we on one?" His brows wiggled upwards. "Your words."

Naki blushed fiercely, turning away from Aiden. He had said those words, and Aiden was now teasing him about them. "Just... Just shift already before I change my mind!"

Aiden chuckled again, but he felt glad Naki finally agreed. It would have disappointed Aiden not to get to show him what waited on top of the mountain. He wouldn't have pushed Naki to do something he wasn't ready to do. He wanted to show Naki, though, that the Mountains were his terrain and he had mastered them.

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