36. One of the Big Dogs Now part 3

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Chapter 36: One of the Big Dogs Now part 3

"Holy crap."

Silver lashes allowed tiny streams of light to pierce his eyes. Naki winced, for a moment his head throbbed but it soon passed. He looked up at the gorgeous chandelier, the shimmering crystals glistening in a mesmerizing yet calming pattern. He felt his head, it was ringing, the dreams he'd had, the memories he'd recollected, they had played all night long.

He rose, the heavy blanket slipping down allowing him to feel cooler. Most of it had been normal, but there had been those crazy recollections, there was always this shadowy figure yelling things at him, his face trying to show but then everything would just fade out.

"Who the heck is he? He was there so much." He was agitated every time the figure came into his dreams but the only thing he could piece together was that the other male had been around a lot in his childhood. "Its so weird...," Naki continued, mumbling to himself, "everything just stops there."

The creaking of a door being opened captured his attention. His head turned to the figures who entered the room, both of them dressed in fresh clothing. He could assume by the way the light snuck through the drapes that it was a new day. It certainly felt like he'd slept for hours on end.

"Hey there Naki, how are you feeling?"

Naki looked to Rahiiv, his expression said if he could, he would sleep some more. "I am both refreshed and yet some how mentally drained all at once." He closed his eyes, shaking his head, "how did so much transpire in my life in less than a day." He looked to his sibling...yes that's right, he could now refer to Kiala as a sibling. He'd never in his life imagine having another sibling. "I never knew that my mind was so void of something and now it's all back and it's crazy, the sheer weight I feel of having it back in place. I'm so happy that she's back in my head, but now I'm so sad because there is still a blank spot where she left my life forever."

Kiala cleared her throat, silently thinking that Naki had no idea that he should feel relieved. "I apologize if yesterday was too much, I should have allowed you to actually rest after our journey and I should have let you think longer about what I asked. It was equally for selfish reason, the reason why I asked you to let me unveil your memories. It seems to have taken a harder toll than I thought."

Naki smiled lightly, he didn't want Kiala to feel bad. "I get it, you wanted to know too, the reason the woman your father love had died. You could have offered him closure, I'm just sorry there was no end result in that aspect. Perhaps when I see my brother again... my step brother I suppose, I can finally get the whole story from him. He always decided I was too young to know the details but with my memory of her back, perhaps I can convince him."

"Perhaps," Kiala said vaguely, knowing Naki could not know her words held more meaning. "Now that you are awake we have something very important to discuss. But before I ask you my question, answer me one. Do you know what Infirti are?"

Naki stared at Kiala with confusion. It was an odd question, especially one that was being asked first thing in the morning in the bed he hadn't rose from yet. "Uh I mean I guess I know the vague details, guy grows lady parts to function in society to help continue our proud race. Just like our women we can only reproduce in our alter form and we only have the lady bits in our alter form though a male could still smell the difference in humanoid form." He racked his brain to try to see if he'd missed something. "Uh and apparently there are also female versions which I had no idea existed."

"It's rarer, if you understand a bit more about what an Infirti is, you'd know why females are rare. There is a reason I ask Naki. You weren't born an Infirti, I know this for a fact. Infirti have to be born, it's an entire body altercation, things have to be arranged and placed precisely for both sides to function. You don't just develop it." She scowled, "by all means you would probably die from the changes when everything else was already settled in place."

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