41. Once a Beta

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Art by Serinityainferno

Chapter 41: Once a Beta

Golden eyes stared at the lean man standing over him, the crisp white paper sitting upon the silver tray like an ominous secret.

Aiden looked at the staff member once more. "Are you sure it's for me?" He'd asked twice already, but he was still skeptical. He had a caller, and by the way the note sat, it was a Royal one at that.

"Yes, my lord, she asked specifically for you and you alone. She waits in the west parlor. She prefers to make a quiet entrance."

Gold brows furrowed, she? Did he know a she who was important enough to summon him? It sure as hell was not his mother. She would not cause such a stir or place herself in jeopardy at such a crucial time.

He rose from his seat, a long robe made of majestic blue and gold silk threads trailing over the chair he occupied. Aiden had been alone in the great library for a while, reading up on some personal accounts about the Field Pack's history.

He had been mulling over the thought that something was amiss. Previously, Sega had been acting erratically and not like the man he remembered. Even though it had been years, he felt that Sega could never lose the person he was, and his behavior over the past few months raised suspicion.

When they first met again, Sega seemed bent to his father's whim, like arguing with his father's wants was taboo. Aiden understood the wants of a son still trying to prove himself to be the next true Alpha in line, but Sega seemed to be trying to prove himself ulteriorly.

He looked back at the manuscript. It was an interesting read. The writer was long dead, but he was already old when the Field King was a youngster. Aiden followed the messenger, absently recounting the description of the young King.

[Upstart, he had the kind of eyes that zoned in on everything—eyes that stripped down the flesh of all things to find and analyze all aspects beneath. His aura was greater than his years, and his ambition was a visual manifestation of his upbringing.

The new King has all the qualities that a leader should have, yet he makes me an old fool who's seen it all, uneasy. A man who is cold and calculated is not all that scary. it's the man who has the conscious and calculated monster inside that should truly be feared.

The young one's monster didn't have reign over him. he had a hold over it.]

Aiden narrowed his eyes. The paragraph could almost describe Sega... Or the Sega he had first rekindled with. Aiden wondered for a long time now why either man was making his moves. Why had Sega only sprung into action when Naki gave himself up as a proposal?

Why, after such a long reign and at this age, did Leiodus want a new pack land? Sega was the successor of the Field, and yet after so much success, the King still seemed reluctant to give up his throne. Yet, the King would so willingly give the reins over to Rafeo, who, although a borderline genius, did not hold the status of being next in line to be Alpha. It was one thing if they had made the decision after their father's death, but this plan had been in motion before.

His guide stopped in a corridor he had never been to and motioned for him to go forward. Aiden looked back, perplexed, because the hallway was short and there was no door. Gold eyes slid behind him to the other. Is there a trap door or something?"

No sooner than the joke left his mouth, a door opened to his right, where before there was not even a seam in the walls. He blinked in confusion, suddenly feeling anxious. Who the hell was so important that they were meeting in this previously unknown part of the hall?

Aiden peeked inside, eyes narrowed, in case he was being a bumbling fool walking into a trap. He caught sight of a cascade of long, pink-hued hair, and his breath caught in his throat.

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