40. Join the Pack

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A/N: Here begins the Arc of hilarity and what's that you see, yes plot. But here begins where you find your favorite character. That is all, carry on.

Chapter 40: Join the Pack

Blue eyes watched the scenery roll by, the colors blurred together as eyes watched but his mind wandered.

"Might I ask what you are thinking about so deeply?"

Leiodus shifted his eyes to his old friend Vyjas, the man's features similar to his eldest son but with a much more rugged edge not quite as refined as his heart throb offspring. Vyjas raised a dark brow, though darker than his son's, his hairs still hard a tint of green when the light hit it.

"I was just thinking that after nearly a century, these Mountains will finally be mine. My pride never quite let me lose my grudge from all those years ago. Well, the pride of whomever I was at the time. There was so much power in my hands and I let a fool like Yusiel take it from me." Leiodus scoffed, "I thought I would have to plot dirtier schemes to get what I wanted but here it lies, pretty and pristine, handed to me like a present."

Vyjas chuckled, his baritone voice coated with mirth. "I don't feel like you are talking about the Mountains anymore. I remember the tales of my father, how he worshiped your glory and your prowess. Even on his deathbed, he made me swear on my life that I'd always be your most trusted friend through all your endeavors. It's been two decades since you showed me what real power was and together we passed it to our eldest sons so that they may hold the reins. Well, have the ability to hold it in their frames."

Vyjas leaned forward, his frame just as large and muscled as the Field King. "I would have never hoped to find the fountain of youth and you handed it to me like a present, now I am addicted to it and if it takes moving these mountains to keep it, my pack is yours."

Leiodus returned his gaze to the outside but he smiled, "I know old friend, in you I have not a fleck of doubt," his smile faded, "my loose ends lie in the son I should be ready to crown King. The vessel that should be ready to pioneer a new era. The only thing that blocked us from glory is finally in my grasp and it is all threatened to be unraveled by his foolhardy feelings. I thought I beat them out of him long ago, I should have been more thorough. It's annoying, this singular downfall of such a feircesome power."

Vyjas stared at the other curiously, "you doubt Sega? He has more drive and ambition than even my shrewd eldest. His mind is terrifyingly cunning and he is the true epitome of a Sha, what causes you to waver in your trust?"

Leiodus narrowed his eyes, jaw ticking, "I foolishly let him have something that should have been no more than a cow for milking. I should have known better, it seems genetics, the men in my family line like to fall for those amethyst orbs."

Vyjas gave Leiodus a hearty pat to the back, "do not worry, Sega knows better. Besides, you put a safety net in place, threatening to use your youngest if he fails, you know he wouldn't allow it. You even infused a bit of darkness in little Cerise to keep the act on. Luckily your son has sentiments for his siblings, mine's a lost cause on that front. Hell I'm surprised he hasn't become bored of his current mate. All the same, our spy is on the move to stir up trouble, he knows how to rattle even Sega."

Leiodus nodded, eyes taking in the great Hall coming into view, "good, he and the boy are the final pieces now, I gave Segs his chance, if he fails me I will snatch the brat from him." Leiodus chuckled, "perhaps I'll throw him to Valas, that would be a just punishment."

Vyjas gave a hearty laugh, "If my boy impregnated the Cloud boy he'd be too vain to throw the baby in with the rest of the fodder! But let's leave those thoughts be, the Dark Gods smile on our endeavors my King."

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