72. The Unpromised Sandwich

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Chapter 72: The Unpromised Sandwich

Sega's hands nestled in the soft apex of Naki's thighs, the warmth between them a wonderful anchor for his deep sleep. Against Sega's back laid a heavy weight that offered him a very rare sense of vulnerability and safety. Aiden's thick arm slung over both of their bodies, tail wrapped around his waist as Sega's wrapped around Naki's. The wild sleeper needed something to keep him in place.

The moment they all laid their heads down, the different breathing of each partner slowly lulled each one to sleep. Tucked beneath Naki and Aiden, the cover didn't experience a tug of war. Sega nestled comfortably in the middle, so his naturally cold body didn't get chilly. Curling up in the middle also helped the longer leg issue.

Naki shifted groggily, something urging him to wake up. The room's darkness didn't offer much vision, but it felt like his eyes swam. Well, it felt like everything swam.

Naki shifted to one arm, rising at the slight burn and tingling in his lower abdomen. His mouth parted, chest feeling oddly warm as he exhaled.

Sega felt Naki stir and his head rose, trying to make out Naki's silhouette. Nothing felt wrong, so he wondered what stirred Naki.

At Naki not moving, Sega rose more, stroking down the marred skin which still felt smooth to his fingertips. "What's the matter?"

Naki's back twitched at the sensation, his skin practically pulsing from the touch. He struggled from the blanket. On such a huge bed, they were only taking up the center. It left him plenty of room to turn clumsily and face Sega.

Sega caught his unbalanced mate, steadying Naki by the hip. He woke up now. His cognition was pretty sturdy as he reached to turn the lamp on a low setting, the brightness enough to softly illuminate Naki so Sega could see his face. "You okay? You're warm, your eyes are redder than when you were crying."

The light stirred Aiden, and he rose on an elbow, curiously peering at the two to see what was happening.

Naki stared at them both, his body feeling wavy and his head loopy. He felt almost sleepy, but also ravenous, and at the same time, he quaked in a specific place.

He moved the blanket from his thighs, only in the nearest shirt he'd found when they came to the room. It wasn't even his shirt; it was Aiden's, and it sat on him like a nightgown.

It slipped off one shoulder and swallowed his arms. He settled back against his legs, hands poised on the bed as he leaned forward. Unknowingly, his tail streamed out, raising the shirt with it as it pelted the bed.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The sound of Naki's tail but also of two heartbeats starting to quicken. Sega looked back at Aiden, his hand retreating from Naki's hip for safety.

"Well, damn." Was he fucked in the head? He'd just lost a good friend. How could his body think of anything else?

Aiden's face warmed, his eyes trying to look anywhere but the soft berry brown beauty jutting in the soft yellow light.

"Naki?" Aiden's questions came out in the form of his mate's name, not quite sure how to ask what he wanted to ask.

Naki blinked slowly. His lidded eyes looked lazy and glazed in the light. "I feel funny...like I'm on a boat but, I'm not on a boat. My head is buzzing...and I'm horny."

Sega turned his body towards Aiden, his face red as he looked at Aiden for clarity and guidance. This whole sleeping in someone's bed and snuggling was new to him. When he saw a boner, his first reaction was to usually plop his mouth on it to drive the owner nuts. This felt like a wrong time, wrong place situation.

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