20. Behind the Alpha

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Trigger chapter: bullying.

Chapter 20: Behind the Alpha

Naki sat curled up near the window as the vehicle rolled over the same ground they had previously traveled. Silence hung inside the vehicle. Sega sat on one side of the car, and Naki sat on the other. After the previous day, he couldn't bring himself to even look at the man. Never in his life had he been so degraded, or better to say, someone had never degraded him in that manner. Even the old harshness of his father's words left less of an imprint on his highly impressionable mind.

Feeling like a bug that could get crushed beneath someone's foot... It was a feeling that left him physically sick to his stomach. Naki clutched his abdomen as he sat with his knees towards the door, his legs curled into himself to relieve the twinge still left in his bottom. It was only fingers, thank the Gods, but his body still revolted painfully at the harsh and excessive action from Sega. If the wall hadn't crumbled... What would the monster have done to him?

Everything wrong with his body reminded him of the shame of yesterday, and just being near the man, no, the monster, made him want to throw himself from the moving car.

He could see the man's reflection in the mirror, even when he was asleep. Sega wore a scowl, and Naki hoped that he'd lose his fine features early in life. Without his outer appearance, he would have no traits that anyone would like. Focusing his gaze past Sega's reflection, Naki looked at the terrain, wondering about this event that had all the pack bustling to meet up for such a long time. The girls had told him a bit about the meeting of councils, but the duration was more of Naki's concern. Two months. What could possibly take that long to talk about?

He closed his eyes as another roll of his stomach caused him to clench his lips together tightly. Getting out of the car would be a relief to him in more than one way. He wasn't sure if hating someone could make one physically sick to their stomach, but perhaps enough bottled-up rage could turn into something physical. They hit a bumpy patch of road, and while Naki clasped his mouth to keep from vomiting, Sega did not flinch. Naki glared at the other's reflection again. It was so early in the morning to be traveling. Staying up all night cowering in a hole should have been enough to allow him to fall asleep in the vehicle, but his body wouldn't cooperate. He shifted in his seat, curling his tail around his body, a comfort mechanism he'd developed as a child.

On the other side of the car, blue eyes peeked through long lashes, peering into the reflection across the way. He hadn't actually been asleep, nor was he dozing, but conversation with Naki in the tight space wasn't on his agenda. He could tell Naki was still sour from the previous day. The event was the consequence of Naki's action and should be Naki's choice to shoulder. He shouldn't have to sit and coddle the other. Still, Naki's constant shifting disrupted the little peace he had on the ride to the hall. Lifting his head from his hand, he rasped on the roof of the car, alerting the guard driving to a stop.

"Stop here," he mumbled to the guard, "I need to stretch my legs."

The vehicle rolled to a halt, and he pushed open the door to roam off and stretch. If his brat of a mate was too stubborn to announce he had to relieve himself, then he should have let him suffer, but as a mate, it was his duty to look out for the welfare of his mate even if the other didn't want to be looked after.

He stopped a bit away from the car, noting that the other doors had opened. He wouldn't follow Naki. The extra guard would stay within the proper distance. He'd leave the sour youngster alone for now. He did not need a scene made in front of his peers.

Naki looked back toward the car. Sega had gone off to stand on the other side of the path they drove on. It didn't seem like he planned on following, so Naki went ahead into the foliage that lined the mountain road. He felt thankful for the stop, to say the least. He knew the guard would stay within a close distance, but he wouldn't stick to him like glue. With the privacy, he found himself a thicket to crouch near and ease his stomach's discomfort. He hadn't expected to have to heave so much. The sharp sound that came from the wheel of the car told him that he was being summoned back.

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