Chapter 29: Degradation

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⚠️⚠️⚠️Name Calling, Degrading Behavior, Public Humiliation, Abuse of Power, Corporal Punishment, Restraint without Consent. ⚠️⚠️⚠️

The next day was a new game. Marcus had given me a list for grocery shopping and some money and sent me to the village market for supplies. I had a smile on my face and bags under my eyes from the long night of torture.

When I got to the market, the same men were spaced out all over the square and they would insult me or spit on me as I passed, publicly and without hesitation. They would say rude comments about my body, my hair, and my features. They insulted my smell, my skin, and anything else they could think to degrade. They tried to make me feel like scum by the time the shopping was over.

I went home.

"How was your shopping trip?" Marcus asked.

"It was a beautiful day." I replied.

"Did anyone say anything about your sloppy appearance today? You know that you represent me out there, and I am the Beta of the pack. You should take more pride in your appearance." Marcus kept going and I pretended to listen, but I was zoning out.

I put all the food away and made dinner as he continued to insult me.

After dinner, he brought me to the bedroom and strapped me into the device to spank me for not behaving well in public and humiliating him by my appearance. He chose a wooden paddle that would leave thick welts and bruises on top of my previously bruised muscles. He enjoyed my screams and then rode me doggy style to orgasm while slapping my bruises. He felt like sand paper inside me. I felt raw.

He set me free and I showered. Samantha was only able to close the wounds this time, the damage was too deep. I limped to bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

My last thought to Samantha was: 10 more days.

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