Chapter 15: My Hero

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As soon as I hit the water, a second splash hit beside me.

The current was too strong. My body was in shock from the cold. The waves smashed me against a boulder and I started to lose consciousness. I could feel myself being dragged under and out towards the sea.

Then strong jaws grabbed the nap of my neck and powerful paws swam dragging me towards the wharf in the center of the cove. The current was weaker as we got away from the waves, but I was struggling to keep my head above water. My head was pounding, and the edges of my vision turned black.

Before I knew it, strong arms lifted me out of the water, and I saw it was a fisherman from the pack. He brought me a thick blanket and dried me off.

I heard a faint screaming over the mind link: I am sorry! I mean it. Please don't die! As George went into hysterics.

My mind focused on a calmer voice telling me, You are safe now. Rest. I will take care of you.

I looked and saw my hero, a giant russet wolf. Then everything went black.

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