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Leaving my usual line-patterned pants,I took my leggings to be more comfortable. I tied my hair in a ponytail and left. While I was peacefully walking,ISFP spotted me.

--Hey,ENFP,where are you going? (ISFP)
--In life. (ENFP)
--What do you mean? Are you running away?! (ISFP)
--Maybe...JUST KIDDING! I am going on a walk. (ENFP)
--Oh,phew. Have fun! (ISFP)

I ran off,waving goodbye. I took the way to my and INTJ's secret place. When I got there,after 20 minutes,I sat down on the soft grass. Our names were carved into the wood,surrounded by a heart. My headphones were playing Space Song by Beach House. This song reminds me everytime of our first kiss. I was tracing the carved letters when I suddenly got a call. Ugh,I said I don't wanna be bothered! Nevermind,it was from work.

--Oh,hello! (ENFP)
--Hello,ENFP. I am sorry to bother you,but we need you here ASAP! (Brenda)

Shoot,I have to work today. By the way,if somebody is wondering...why Brenda called me to work? Well,she got the job and is now working with me. What about Jezelle? Well...it's hard for me to say,but...she's dead. I survived that incident in the forest,but she didn't. I go to visit her grave once a week. She was the best work colleague,a great friend and an amazing human.

--ENFP,are you still there? (Brenda)
--Oh,sorry,yes! (ENFP)
--Do you think you could be here in 10 minutes? (Brenda)
--I'll try. (ENFP)
--By the way,come to this adress. (Brenda)

She sent me her location.

--Be right there! See ya! (ENFP)

Came here for a walk,return with a run.

~After 10 hurried minutes~

Getting past the gate in a hurry,I see Brenda. Since I was running,I tried to stop,but tripped in front of her instead. Awkwardly getting up with all eyes on me,I greet Brenda. While fixing my hair,I ask:

--So,what are we doing today? (ENFP)
--We'll plant trees. Oh,by the way,your "not boyfriend" is staring at you. (Brenda)

I look up to see INTJ staring at me from a distance on some scaffoldings. Then he waved at me,smiling.

--Oh,he is my boyfriend. (ENFP)

Brenda gasps,shocked.

--Yea,I ain't got no time for explaining. Do you have a towel or something? (ENFP)
--Sure,go over to that tree. We'll start planting. (Brenda)

While wiping the sweat off me,I look at the guys working. Then I went to work. After half an hour we all took a break and INTJ immediately sat down next to me.

--ENFP! I missed you,sweetheart. (INTJ)
--Me too! I actually never thought you'd look this hot in a work costume. (ENFP)
--Well,told you you'll see me in every way. (INTJ)
--Sorry but I didn't bake the cookies,I got distracted since it's hot as fuck. I went on a walk instead but got called here. Ugh,can't even have some peace nowadays. (ENFP)
--And what should I say about myself? I work 5 days a week. Not fair. (INTJ)
--Yea,I can't even imagine how it would be like to be you. (ENFP)

After all the work I've done,I was really thirsty and dripping in sweat.

--Love,do you have some water? (ENFP)
--We can go over to my office,the water there is really fresh and cold. It's not too much to walk. (INTJ)
--Ooohhhh,if it's cold,I'm down for it! (ENFP)

I told Brenda that I will take a break and left with INTJ.

--Ugh,this costume is killing me,it's so hot outside. (INTJ)
--I know,even I,with only some leggings and a crop top,am dying here! (ENFP)

After 5 minutes we got inside.

--Wait right here. (INTJ)
--Sure. (ENFP)

I looked around his office. He has nice decorating tastes.

--I love your office by the way. (ENFP)
--Thank you. Here's the water,love. (INTJ)

I drank it and went by his desk.

--Your desk is so organised,I could never. (ENFP)
--Fun fact:do you know what I think of when I see you near that desk? (INTJ)

Yes,I know.

--Nope,what do you think about? (ENFP)

We were both smirking at eachother. Seconds later we were making out on the fucking desk.

--It's getting hot in here,damn it. (ENFP)
--You are already,so what is even bothering you? (INTJ)
--No,like...for real. I swear I wanna take this crop top off me. (ENFP)
--And what is stopping you? Do it. (INTJ)
--Come on,we're in your- (ENFP)
--Let me do it for you. (INTJ)

~After 10 minutes~

In the middle of an orgasm,someone knocked loud on the door. I tried to keep quiet,but it was impossible,so INTJ dragged my head in his chest to keep my mouth shut. His heart was beating so hard it was about to jump out of his chest. I was expecting him to slide outside of me. He didn't.

--Who is it?! (INTJ)
--Bruv,come on,you told us you'll get the cool water,what the heck are you doing in there?! (ISTJ)

Pounding one more time inside me while keeping my mouth shut,he dificultly responds:

--Get it yourself f-from your office. (INTJ)
--Oi man,are you ok in there? (ISTJ)

How the heck did he still keep going inside me?! His mate is literally calling him,but INTJ seemed to not give any fucks. Except the fact that he was giving me a fuck right now.

--Yes,mind your own damn business. (INTJ)

It was way too risky,since INTJ was purposely making moves that were making me wanna scream so damn loud. Trying not to make a sound,I whisper:

--G-get out of me...p-please. (ENFP)

ISTJ was shouting and banging on the door.


Carelessly,INTJ whispers back to me:

--How about...no. (INTJ)

Shutting my mouth with his hand,he goes even more in.


Finally annoyed,INTJ slides out and pulls on his working costume.

--Sorry we couldn't make this work,sweetheart. (INTJ)
--Don't worry,it was fun. (ENFP)

I quickly dress back up. While we were both wiping our sweat off,INTJ finally opens the door. When he does so,ISTJ dashes to the water dispenser and pours himself a cup,like a thirsty dog.

--Chill,no need to be desperate. (INTJ)

After ISTJ finishes drinking while INTJ and I were staring at him,he suddenly spots me.

--Oi...what the heck did y'all do in here? (ISTJ)

Trying to get us out of this,I activitated the sarcastic side in me:

--Drugs...of course we drank water! (ENFP)
--You're so egoistic. Ugh,leaving that aside,let's get the others some. (ISTJ)
--I don't share. (INTJ)
--You just let me drink from your dispenser. You shared,tosser. (ISTJ)
--You barged in and served yourself,moron! (INTJ)
--Yes,ok,shut up y'all and let's go. Come on,INTJ,one time. Let's fill some water bottles and share a bit. What if you were- (ENFP)
--Please,ENFP,don'g do the what if you were trick on me. It won't work because I am not. Let's go. (INTJ)

I tried to get off the desk,but I fell. Agh,I can never get used to his lenght.

--ENFP,are you ok? (INTJ)
--What the fuck,get up! (ISTJ)

Putting my head in my palm,I say:

--The floor looked attractive to me,I didn't trip,I just kissed the floor. (ENFP)

ISTJ facepalmed while INTJ came to me and threw me over his shoulder.


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