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Poor him,did he get sick? I helped him get to the bed.

--Everything will be ok,dear. (ENFP)

I went to his fireplace and started making a fire. INTJ was coughing. And it was my fault...the fire was burning and the apartament got warmer. I went up to INTJ,who was looking at me with a tired face,but a faint smile.

--INTJ...I'm sorry. It's my fault and I know it. But I promise you'll get better. I'm gonna take good care of you,ok? Do you want some soup? (ENFP)
--It's...not your fault,dear. ISTJ got me like this. (INTJ)
--No it's my- (ENFP)
--Shush. It's never your fault. (INTJ)

He puts his cold hand on my cheek,stroking it gently. I take it in my hand. Then I took off his jacket and shoes. I took a blanket and put it on him.

--Thank you...can you bring me the tissues over there,please? I kinda have my nose stuffed. (INTJ)

I bought them. Then I took the trash can next to his desk and bought it next to INTJ's bed.

--Here,I bought the trash can so you wouldn't have to move around. Just throw the tissues here. I'm gonna be in the kitchen making some soup. You know I am not a master chef,but I'll try my best. Take care! (ENFP)

I said as I softly pinch his cheek. He just sat in his bed and grabbed a tissue,weak as a vegetable. I got to work.

~After half an hour,INTJ's POV~

I can't with this girl,she's just too sweet. She came to me with a bowl,perhaps with soup. I tried to get up,but she stopped me.

--No,don't get up! You can't. Stay comfortable and open wide! (ENFP)

ENFP took a spoonful of soup and fed me with a hand,while holding the bowl with the other so no soup will spill.

--How is it? (ENFP)
--It's good,really. (INTJ)

It tasted comfortable and good. Feels like it's sprinkled with love.

--Chef approved? (ENFP)
--Totally. (INTJ)
--Then have some more! (ENFP)

ENFP gave me more and I finished everything 15 minutes later. I was full.

--I feel better already,not going to lie. (INTJ)
--Really? That's good to hear! (ENFP)
--It's not like I am better but it feels like it. (INTJ)
--Oh. It's no problem,you'll get better soon anyway. (ENFP)

I start coughing again,but my throat didn't hurt as much.

--Do you have medicine? (ENFP)
--It's in the cabinet from my bathroom. (INTJ)
--Imma be right back! (ENFP)

ENFP then went to the bathroom to search for pills. I just hope she doesn't search in the wrong place...


I went to the bathroom and started searching through the cabinets. Found it. But I saw some products really close,like they were trying to hide something. But what? Being curious,I got everything out. It was one of those things where you had to put a password to unlock something. But what? I started to press random numbers,in hope that I will guess it,but someone took my hand forcefully.

--You know,it's not nice to check further places without the owner's permission. (INTJ)

INTJ was sitting behind me,glued to my back. I turn to him.

--Hey,why did you get out of the bed?! You're sick. (ENFP)
--I knew you were going to do something stupid. (INTJ)
--Eh? I'm not doing anything stupid. What's with this password thingy? Are you hiding something from me? (ENFP)
--It's none of your business. (INTJ)
--But- (ENFP)
--From now on you're not allowed to rummage through my stuff ever again. (INTJ)

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