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I did good! Now let's make that damn doll. I found a tutorial on YouTube and now let's go!

~An hour later~

This is so difficult! But I succeeded making the body. I only needed the head,to stuff it and I was done. I carefully start the head.

~Half an hour later~

The purple moustache turned out so cute! I only need a couple minutes for the hair.

~15 minutes later~

I assembled the hair and head,but one more thing was missing:the eyes. Hmm...I can put buttons! I searched through my drawers,but I couldn't find anything. There was only one thing to do. I rip two of my black non-observable buttons from my top and sew them. The doll was done! It was adorable. But now my top was ruined. MY CHEST WAS VISIBLE. I am so stupid,I could've ripped the bottom two ones. And I need to buy a new top now. How should I dress to buy a top? Let's see what I have in my wardrobe. A short dress for summer,bikini for the pool,a longer dress for important events. A clown suit,Christmas costume,maid costume...yea,weird. And pajamas. Which one is more decent? None. Oh,the short dress is more decent. I dress up and try to go downstairs,but ENFJ holds my arm on the hallway.

--Wait! (ENFJ)
--Oh hi! Sorry,I can't talk,I have to go to the store. (ENFP)
--It's an emergency! (ENFJ)
--Yea,no,sorry,no time for emergencies. Gotta go,byee! (ENFP)
--Wa- (ENFJ)

I ran out of there.


Good girl.


I arrive outside and it's quite chilly. And I only had a short dress on. I rush to the store and buy the top I needed. There I see INFP,who tells me:

--Hi,ENFP! You look so cute in that dress,but isn't it a little bit too chilly outisde for it? (INFP)
--Eh,I just threw something on me. But thanks for the compliment! Bye! (ENFP)
--See ya! (INFP)

Eh,a bit chilly! Who cares? It's still summer,it's not like I'll get sick or something. I thank the cashier and,on my way home,I meet ESTP.

--Heyy,whatcha doin'? (ENFP)
--I actually have a challenge for you. (ESTP)
--Challenge is my second name. (ENFP)
--You will compete against me and put your feet in ice. The loser gives the winner $20,but the winner gives $5 for the suffering. (ESTP)
--That's still worth two ice-creams,so I am up to it. (ENFP)
--No you're not. (INTJ)

INTJ just popped up behind my back.

--Woah,dude,what are you doing here? (ESTP)
--I am here to take ENFP home. (INTJ)

Without a word,he grabs my wrist and drags me home just like I was a child. I shout at ESTP:

--Uh,see you later I guess! (ENFP)

As ESTP is farther and farther,I say:

--I can't even have a normal conversation with my bro?! (ENFP)
--About ice challenges when there is only a week until autumn starts and the autumn dance ball? No. Unless you want to catch a cold and stay home. Boring,right? (INTJ)
--Pfft,like I would catch a cold! It's still summer. Let me enjoy it while I still- (ENFP)

That is when I started coughing.

--What did you say? I couldn't hear you. (INTJ)

I groan and roll my eyes as he giggles. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

--Go and take a shower while it's not getting worse. (INTJ)
--Why do you know everything?! (ENFP)
--Why do you want to know? Because you envy me and admit that you're stupid? (INTJ)

I slap him,but not that hard. He puts his hand over it.

--Woah! I really needed that,do it again! (INTJ)
--You're really weird,INTJ. (ENFP)
--I am not weird,I am too intelligent for humanity. (INTJ)

I left without saying a word. This day felt like a whole week! Since I met him...two days felt like a lifetime. Two days...I am so stupid. I fell in love after meeting the guy just in one day. But hey,it's fair! I almost killed myself if he wasn't there for me. I want to make a journal. But I have to disguise it and keep it hidden.


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