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~INTJ's POV,an hour later~

What if it changes our relationship? I don't want her to leave me! No,she won't leave me. She is mine now for good.

--INTJ,did you finish? (ENFP)

ENFP shouts at me,as I occupied the toilet.

--Just a second. (INTJ)

After I was done,I got out. ENFP got out of the bed,dressed now in her wet clothes,and went to the bathroom. But I suddenly start to panick...does she think I'll use her? Does she think I don't love her anymore? It's the contrary,I love her even more. We shared every bit of us with eachother,we are now part of eachother. She would not dare to leave me. After I got my pajamas on,she got out of the bathroom.

--Are you hungry,sweetheart? Are you thirsty? Anything? (INTJ)
--I am kinda thirsty,but- (ENFP)

No buts,I went to the kitchen and got her a glass of cold water.

--Oh,thank you,s-...sweetheart! (ENFP)
--...why did you hesitate? (INTJ)
--Oh,uhm,nothing! (ENFP)

She says before drinking her water.

--My love...sit back down,tell me everything. (INTJ)

Unsure,she got on my couch.

--Love,did I do anything wrong? (INTJ)
--No,you didn't...but...I am afraid that you won't look t-the same as before. Now I am probably a worthless woman for you...sorry. (ENFP)

Tears get in her eyes,she quickly tries to wipe them away but I do it first for her. Hugging her,I say:

--My love,do you think I'd be the type to do this? (INTJ)
--N-no...I don't know,no. (ENFP)
--ENFP...I do not fall in love too easily...but when I do you are not escaping me. Do you even realise how possibly much I could love you? (INTJ)

A faint smile appeared on her face.

--I love you too,INTJ. Very much. Now I quite basically depend on you. (ENFP)

I reassuringly kiss her,stroking her cheek.

--I love how safe you make me feel. (ENFP)
--Also,where were you trying to leave? (INTJ)
--Uhm...home? (ENFP)
--My love,it's not the right thing to leave after this. Only fools send their partners back home. Now you go and change into your pajamas and we go to sleep,fine? (INTJ)

She smiles at me and I could feel that she rebuilt all her trust in me.


I went in and hugged him,he kissed my head while I was inhaling his perfume. He smells like home.

--ENFP,I love you. (INTJ)
--INTJ,I love you too. (ENFP)
--Good. You'd better love me,sweetheart. (INTJ)

He says,placing a kiss on my forehead.

~The next morning~

Staring at how cute INTJ was sleeping,I was still amazed by everything. I literally had...it...with a murderer. That's fine,I think. Wait...THAT IS LITERALLY SO COOL! I should go now though.

--Where do you think you're going,my lady? (INTJ)
--Oh,I wanted to go to the bathroom. (ENFP)
--Fine,however you want. (INTJ)

I went to the bathroom. A thought of going home passed by. Maybe I could hang out with ESFP later. After I got out,what I see in INTJ leaning on the door.

--What are you doing there? (ENFP)
--You realise you're spending the day with me,right? (INTJ)


--Uhm,can't I go outside? (ENFP)
--You went outside yesterday. I want to stay with you today. I am free,nothing is stopping us,I want to feel your presence today all day long. (INTJ)

Ok then,staying inside today it is.

--However you want,Mister. But you'll have to feed me because I am hungry. (ENFP)
--However you wish,sweetheart. Let's go to the kitchen,I'm hungry too. (INTJ)

After we ate,we went in the bed and cuddled,while INTJ was inspecting every corner of my face with his calming gaze.

--Yes? (ENFP)
--Do you want to hear a little secret? (INTJ)
--Sure! (ENFP)
--You remember when we were on our date on the boat,right? When I confessed. (INTJ)
--Uh-huh,what about it? (ENFP)
--Do you remember how we kissed for the first time? (INTJ)
--Uhm,while I was admiring the fish,the boat suddenly shaked really hard- (ENFP)
--Exactly. Why do you think the boat shook? (INTJ)
--Uhm...I don't know,maybe because of a little stronger wind? (ENFP)
--No,my love,take another guess. (INTJ)

While chuckling,he responded:

--No,sweetheart...I may or may have not shook the boat myself...? (INTJ)
--You did it?! Why? (ENFP)
--I wanted to kiss you,ENFP. (INTJ)
--You're my desperate little man,aren't you? (ENFP)
--Little,no. Desperate man,absolutely. (INTJ)

He was looking into my eyes admiring me and constantly smiling,something that nobody else could expect from him except me. Maybe he does love me.


I still cannot believe how I managed to make ENFP my lover. I am literally addicted to this woman. To be honest,I just want to kiss her until morning and feel her skin and hair. I feel like I am obsessing over her more and more as days pass.

--My love,did you know that I love you? (INTJ)
--Obviously,sweetheart. (ENFP)
--No no no,I love you. (INTJ)
--I love you too,INTJ! (ENFP)
--Nuh-uh,do you have that in your brain? That I love you. Do you know? (INTJ)
--Yes,my love. (ENFP)
--And do you keep in mind everyday that I love you? (INTJ)
--Yea,of course,love. (ENFP)

ENFP caresses my cheek and it makes me blush like a tomato again. Closing my eyes for a second,I hug her tighter and she kisses my forehead,placing her head on mine. I feel like a child in her arms.


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