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After a good while,ENFP said:

--Let's go in the water! (ENFP)
--We are not dressed properly- (INTJ)
--Come on,just the feet! (ENFP)
--Fine,however you say. (INTJ)

Dragging myself up,I followed ENFP slowly,even if she ran to the water. Behaving like she never saw the sea,she continuously jumped,splashing water around her.

--Stop splashing water around you! (INTJ)
--Why? Do you wanna come closer? (ENFP)
--Yes. Yes,I do. (INTJ)
--Wanna see that imma be wet as fuck? (ENFP)


--U-uh...you're wild. (INTJ)
--Come closer if you want... (ENFP)

My feet take me to her without even thinking.

--Now...be ready for a surprise. (ENFP)

We're on the beach...is she crazy?

--ENFP...w-what do you- (INTJ)

Just when I was expecting the most expectable,ENFP suddenly yells:


Then she proceeds to throw herself in the water,with clothes on.


Facepalming at what she did and what I was thinking,I bent over to get her up. Sitting on the sand underneath the water,she stares at me,smiling,with her wet hair on her face.

--Ugh,just get up,love! (INTJ)

A chuckle also comes out of my mouth as I reach for her hand. Grabbing it,she pulls me into the water instead of getting up.

--ENFP,why?! (INTJ)
--Why not? (ENFP)

She breathes in my lips.

--We've got clothes on. (INTJ)
--Oh,so you wanted to get you down here naked? (ENFP)
--That is not what I meant- (INTJ)
--Come on now,don't be so desperate,there isn't even a bed near us. (ENFP)
--Tsk,just shut up and kiss me. (INTJ)

Water flowing around us,we made out in the moon and I was slowly feeling like she dragged me even deeper until we were underwater. Rapidly getting our heads outside,we gasp for air,smiling. With water dripping down from our hair,we went for it again. We were desperate for eachother.

--Guess we took a little bath. (ENFP)
--You still need to shower,you have sand and dirty water in your hair. (INTJ)
--So what? I also have dirty thoughts but I don't get my mind cleaned. (ENFP)
--Well,don't clean your mind,clean your head. Does that make sense? (INTJ)

At this point,I didn't even care anymore about the fact that I was laying in sea water and just sat and talked with ENFP.

--Look,a shell! (ENFP)

Her fingers searched for the beautiful shell that has been hiding in the sand.

--If you lose another ring- (INTJ)
--I won't! (ENFP)

While admiring the shell in her hand,she says:

--I'll take this home! (ENFP)
--Sweetheart,you have no pockets. (INTJ)
--I have your boxers because I stole a pair when I was to your house yesterday. (ENFP)
--They're mine now,you have enough pairs.(ENFP)
--Why would you even- (INTJ)
--Come on,they look good on me! (ENFP)
--Really? Then I want to see. (ENFP)
--Hmm...you can. But not right now. (ENFP)
--It's always the not right now. (INTJ)
--Come on,I know what would happen! (ENFP)
--What would happen? (INTJ)
--You'd simply take them off. (ENFP)
--Is that what you want to happen? (INTJ)
--...yes,but,as I said- (ENFP)
--Not right now,understood. (INTJ)

Letting out a yawn,ENFP says:

--I'm sleepy,love,can we go home? (ENFP)
--Let's go,sweetheart. (INTJ)
--Goodbye,sea! Sorry I stole one of your children! (ENFP)

As we were leaving,she childlishly waves goodbye at the beach.

--I can hear the sea...it's telling you that it'll see you soon. (INTJ)

I love to play along to ENFP's silly ideas.

--YAYYYY! Take care,sea! Please don't get too poluted. (ENFP)
--Hmm...the sea did not give an exact response sadly. (INTJ)
--Awh,it's ok,I'll give it time to think! (ENFP)
--The sea doesn't thi- you know what? Nevermind. (INTJ)

I know I am more logical,but I couldn't interrupt her dreams. While we were walking back home,she kept getting the seashell close to her ear.

--What are you trying to listen to? (INTJ)
--Don't you know the seashell theory? (ENFP)
--Seashell theory? The one that it's been told that you can hear the sea through a seashell? (INTJ)
--Yes! Wanna try it? (ENFP)

Without even letting me respond,ENFP gets the seashell close to my ear. I could indeed hear something,but I was not too focused on that. I'm always focused on her.

~After an hour,ENFP's POV~

Impatience is growing more between us...fuck. Did he really have to do that?

--INTJ,I told you not to peak while I am showering! (ENFP)
--Aw,you're so shy. So what? (INTJ)
--What do you mean "so what"? You were quite literally about to see me naked! (ENFP)
--Tsk,if I want to I can see you right now. (INTJ)

Now that made me gasp.

--You wouldn't- (ENFP)

Without even letting me finish,INTJ grabs my arms and pins them under my back,holding me captive and on top of me. Dangerously close to my lips,he breathes in them:

--I wouldn't...what? (INTJ)

My red cheeks spoke for my mouth,as it didn't have any words.

--I wouldn't what...love? (INTJ)

Sweat drops were already dripping on the side of my face as INTJ presses his lips against mine,teasing me.

--Say something. Use your words. (INTJ)

I was trying and stuttering but his lips were moving down from my chin down to my neck. There was exactly my weakness.

--I...uh...umh... (ENFP)
--Speak up,love,I can't hear you. (INTJ)

Breathing heavily while he fed my neck,I try to speak but feeling a little moan was about to come out,I bit my lower lip in order to not make a sound.

--I am still waiting on some words,even one. (INTJ)
--S-s-s-st-st- ah,shit! (ENFP)

A moan escaped my mouth,as he went just to the right spot. My neck arched back. Considering this as giving him more terrain,INTJ went even further. My damp hair was spreaded on the bed.

--F-fuck,INTJ,I just- I just showered! (ENFP)
--Look who finally decided to speak. (INTJ)
--C-can't I have some p-peace?! (ENFP)
--Awh,to be honest,I liked the side of you whimpering in the room more. Should we...try that again? (INTJ)
--P-please,stop with t-that- (ENFP)

Another moan interrupts me when he goes over to my shoulder,taking little,soft bites of my skin between his teeth. Fuck.

--Mhh,my love,such a delight. (INTJ)

Now his moaning really drove me crazy.

--INTJ... (ENFP)

Moaning his name turned out to pleasure him even more.

--ENFP...you made me wait for...too...fucking...long. (INTJ)

Fastly returning to my lips,INTJ kissed me like he was losing his brain,taking off my tank top. I'm going to lose something tonight...bye-bye,v-card.

Love y'all,have a good night/morning/day/afternoon/evening and whoever you are,you're loved.❤️


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