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All the batter was gone after 10 minutes. While pouring some cold coffee I made this morning in a mug,I decide to call ENFP.


In 5 seconds,ENFP would've came dashing here. But she didn't.

--ENFP,lunch is ready! (INTJ)

Still no response.

--I said lunch is ready,sweetheart! (INTJ)

Quiet as a mouse.

--ENFP!!! (INTJ)

Shouting extra loud also did not work. Kind of annoyed,I took my mug and went in the bedroom to search for her. Oh,when I see this lady she's-...she's not in the bedroom.

--ENFP,come out,I am not in the mood of Hide And Seek,I am hungry. (INTJ)

I searched everywhere. My closet,under the bed,under the desk. Nowhere to be found. Perhaps she went to the bathroom? But I did not hear her,that is impossible. Might just check. In front of the bathroom door,I was knocking.

--ENFP,are you in there? (INTJ)

Expecting a "sorry,taking a shit" jokingly or something,I was getting panicked when I did not hear a single sound.

--ENFP,sweetheart,respond to me,please. (INTJ)

Nothing. Why didn't she say anything?

--ENFP,I swear,if you're keeping your mouth shut I am barging in. I saw you naked already,so I don't give a shit about embarrassment. Tell me if you are ok. (INTJ)

Is she unconcious?!

--You have 20 fucking seconds. (INTJ)

I waited unpatiently,while sipping my coffee.

--...10...11...15...17...20,that's it,I'm coming in! (INTJ)

She was really pissing me off at this point. I took the doorknob and opened it,but what I see...a horror...my absolute nightmare. She f-found it. Shit. Now I am screwed. My hands went loose. Fuck,I dropped the mug. I'll clean it later. With coffee spilled all around me on the floor,I took closer steps,in quiet desperation. What will happen now? How do I explain? How could I be so gullible and...careless...and...and...and st-stu-...stupid?! This is not like me. Why would she do this?


I cannot believe my fucking eyes.

--You were not supposed to see that. (INTJ)

Holy bubbles,I'm fucked. As INTJ was standing behind me,I was still trying to process everything.

--What's all of this,INTJ? (ENFP)

INTJ was already pale white,wide-eyed and his hands were shaking.

--That picture over there was since Halloween...2017! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YO ASS BACK THEN! (ENFP)
--Listen- (INTJ)
--And that over there?! That was from my fucking GRADUATION! (ENFP)
--Please- (INTJ)

I stared at some more pictures of me on his wall.

--And that picture...I WAS DAMN 14! (ENFP)
--SO WHAT? I...took it from your...Instagram. (INTJ)

He tried to brush it off,but his voice was already shaking.

--I did NOT have that on Instagram,I know damn well! Wait a minute,didn't you say you don't have Instagram?! (ENFP)
--Well surprise,I do. (INTJ)
--Anyway,you have photos around here with me IN MY ROOM! Is that what the binoculars are for,Mister? Is that what the camera is for? I cannot process this! (ENFP)
--P-please...I c-can explain. (INTJ)

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