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~Two years later~

A strange feeling was rushing through my body. Stressed and contented. This moment is surreal. All the decorations and big tables and the food and drinks...it's making me feel like I'm aging. Nothing will be like before. I have lived to this moment. They look so beautiful together...I cannot belive it. My work colleague is getting married. ISTJ. With ESFP.

--My love,does this dress look good on me? (ENFP)

ENFP interrupts my thoughts.

--You look beautiful as always,sweetheart. (INTJ)
--And you look handsome as always! (ENFP)

ENFP had to convince me to come to the wedding since she is the bridesmaid. ESTP and ENTP were bawling in eachother's arms.

--Our bitch is getting married! (ENTP)
--Get the rice,motherfucker,this is legendary! (ESTP)
--ESFP quit the hoe life... (ENTP)
--She needs to stay loyal to her soon to be husband. (INFP)
--INFP,sweetie,stop crying,you'll make me cry too. (ENFJ)

Everyone was crying in eachother's arms and I don't understand why. I mean...it's an emotional moment,but not that emotional to cry.

--They're so cute together,it's making me wanna cry! (ENFP)
--No,sweetheart,not you too... (INTJ)
--ESFP looks so good in a wedding dress. (ENFJ)

The groom finally came to the scene.

--She does. And she's so beautiful. The most beautiful woman I've seen. (ISTJ)
--I don't know about you,ENFP is more beautiful. (INTJ)
--How dare you say that,plonker?! (ISTJ)
--Well,excuse me,my ENFP is way more gorgeous. Deal with it. (INTJ)
--No,my soon to be wife is more attractive and pretty! (ISTJ)

ESTP was crying even louder at the fact that his fiancée,ISFJ,is not here to aknowdlege this little "conflict".

--It's my wedding,arsehole! (ISTJ)
--Well,I already am married. For a year. Loser. (INTJ)

After that,we both burst into laughter.

--Don't be upset,bud,it's your wedding. I won't ruin it,even if I wanted to. My wife ruined your sex,I won't ruin your marriage. (INTJ)

Then he bursts out crying even louder.

--Why do I have to be the only single hot stuff here?! (ENTP)

INFJ was already looking at ENTP. If INFJ was not so timid,ENTP wouldn't be single anymore.

--Stop being so dramatic,ENTP! (ENTJ)
--Ugh,yes,damn it! Stop crying! (ESTJ)

At those words,ESTP cries even louder,on purpose,in ISFJ's arms,who also started shedding a tear.

--Ok now,ESTP,you're disturbing the peace. (ISTJ)
--Let him be,darling. (ESFP)

ISTP and INTP were laughing in the corner,clicking their wine glasses.

--Shh,everyone,shut up! They have to begin the ceremony. There's the priest! (ISFP)

After some cheesy ceremonial shit that lasted 10 minutes,the priest finally said:

--ISTJ,do you want to marry ESFP and be her husband? (priest)

It seemed like the world froze around him. After a good while,ISTJ finally came to his senses.

--...yes,yes,I do! (ISTJ)

He smiled. He finally smiled.

--ESFP,do you want to marry ISTJ and be his wi- (priest)
--What? Do y'all expect me to say no? Obviously I will,yes! (ESFP)

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