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I expected to dramatically fall and float,but I landed flat on my face. What the heck?!

--Awh,come on! Can't even die in Ohio! Did I just seriously gain weight?! It was a strong rope! (ENFP)
--I can indeed agree that it was a strong,hard rope to cut. (INTJ)

He appeared behind a tree. I was petrified.

--What are you doing here?! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY PERFECT SUICIDE. (ENFP)
--Did you seriously think I would let you die that easy? (INTJ)
--So you do care about me. (ENFP)
--I never said that. (INTJ)
--Then what did you say? (ENFP)
--I said...uh,um,I said I didn't want drama to be talked about all week long. And imagine how many people with your personality would die because of you. Isn't that a little bit selfish? (INTJ)
--Suicide isn't selfish,INTJ. (ENFP)

That was the only time I gave him a stern look. He was a little bit shocked and confused.

--Oh,so now we're swithching teams? (INTJ)
--I'd be damned. (ENFP)

He sat down on the beautiful,green grass. He grabed my hand and dragged me down next to him.

--So,tell me,what in the world were you thinking of and what happened? (INTJ)
--Uh...can you promise me two things? (ENFP)
--I don't know,I am not that good with promises. (INTJ)
--First,I want you to keep this a secret. Second thing,please don't laugh at me. (ENFP)
--I don't know if I can do that. (INTJ)

I told him everything in detail,after 30 minutes I finished. I gazed at him,expecting to hear laughs. He told me something strange instead:

--Uh...I don't know what to say,that's kinda tough. I really don't know what to tell you or how to comfort you and I have literally no words to say,so can we please sit in silence for a bit until I find something useful to say or to change the subject?...please? (INTJ)

I said nothing and just lifted my head to look at the sky. It was beautiful,like I said.

--Beautiful,right? (INTJ)
--Yes. Look,that cloud looks like a turtle! (ENFP)
--Does it? (INTJ)
--Yes! And that one looks like a castle! The turtle is going in the castle and it's meeting a princess! (ENFP)


She had the soul of a child. She puts her head in my lap.

--I didn't give you permission to do that. (INTJ)
--I didn't ask you for it. Anyway,look,it's a sheep! Cute little cloudy sheep! (ENFP)

~After an hour~

--Gosh,how do you have such imagination? (INTJ)
--I don't know. But can I ask you a question? (ENFP)
--You just did. (INTJ)
--Uh,can I ask you two questions? (ENFP)
--Just did it. (INTJ)
--Four? (ENFP)
--Just did. (INTJ)
--When? (ENFP)
--Now. (INTJ)
--You got me. I will ask you a question. Is it correct? (ENFP)
--Yes. (INTJ)
--Why did you come here? It was my secret place! (ENFP)
--You are wrong. It is also my secret place. Guess we're sharing it. (INTJ)
--Since when is it also yours? I never saw you here. (ENFP)
--I made sure you left. (INTJ)
--Oh. (ENFP)

We sat a couple of seconds in silence.

--Do you like ENTP? (INTJ)
--What?! (ENFP)
--Sorry,I just blurted that out loud. Anyway,do you? (INTJ)
--Uh,no. (ENFP)
--Is it an "uh no" or a "no"? (INTJ)
--Since when did you become so interested in my love life? (ENFP)
--You mentioned love. This means you are in a relationship with hi- (INTJ)
--No I am not. I don't even like him. He's my best friend,that's all. (ENFP)
--Yea,sure,a friend... (INTJ)
--And why do you think I could possibilly like ENTP? (ENFP)
--Purple painting,his singificant colours of yarn. You're giving hints. (INTJ)
--I just like the colour purple! (ENFP)


I looked him in the eyes innocently and I ask:

--Does it work? (ENFP)
--No it doesn't. (INTJ)

I stay silent. After a couple of moments I confessed:

--Well...I don't like him,I like someone else... (ENFP)


Means like I'm changing my targeted victim.

~ENFP's POV~'s um,I like... (ENFP)

Then I loudly said:



Had me for a moment.

--So do you like ENTP? (INTJ)
--No,father who has to know who does his daughter likes,chill out. (ENFP)

Victim untargeted.

--Harsh. (INTJ)
--I like your moustache a lot. (ENFP)
--Um...thanks? (INTJ)

She liked it? And I thought it's always messy.

--I wanna feel it. Can I touch it? (ENFP)
--EW. (INTJ)
--What? (ENFP)
--You're weird. (INTJ)
--Yes. (ENFP)
--And crazy. (INTJ)
--I'll take that as a compliment. (ENFP)
--I am getting kinda bored here. I wanna leave. Are you coming? (INTJ)
--Hmm...yes. I need to buy something from ISTP. (ENFP)
--The MBTI meeting is about to end,you gotta be faster. (INTJ)
--Oh,gotta go then. See ya around! Oh,I mean,not seeing you around! (ENFP)
--What do you mean by that? (INTJ)
--You told me I would not see you around. (ENFP)
--Well...I changed my mind. See you around. (INTJ)

She ran giggling and I half-smiled,with a little chuckle. She was making me look human. I made my way home with little steps.


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