sleepy- Pablo Gavi

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"Es tarde". [it's late] Pablo's strained voice sounded from behind you as you reflected in the mirror his tired expression .

You were currently in the bathroom, finishing, or rather beginning, your nightly skincare routine.  Because the two of you had a busy week and weren't able to meet up as often, Pablo wanted to have an overnight stay with you.

Pablo had a few interviews shortly after training concluded, whether it was with his manager or something for media day.

As a result, he was even more worn out than usual, and hence more clinging.

"Wait in bed for me, love," you hummed, slowly putting the oil on your face and down your neck. "This could take some time." You tell him gently, your gaze returning to his through the mirror.

Pablo groaned again, taking a step closer and putting his warm hands on your hips, his head on your shoulder.  "I don't see why your doing all of this." "You already look really good," he says, his voice low.

You laughed gently at his antics, lightly bumping your head against his while going about your business.

"I want to look good , even when we're in our forties , like a milf or something." You explain to him that you need to wash your hands before proceeding to the next stage.

"But it's getting late!" He whines again, this time standing next to you, back to the mirror, arms folded in front of him, staring at you.

If it wasn't this late, or if he wasn't as exhausted as he is now, he would most certainly join you. Everything was made better by him enjoying the sensation of your hands against his flesh, and the care and affection in your gaze that were aimed at him.

"Like I previously said, wait in bed."  The second time, you say the same thing while applying lip balm . "Pablo , having great skin takes time, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"You can simply stop and go to bed."
You scoff at the name "Pablo ," his neediness more obvious now.

"I don't like  it when you are absent!" He makes an effort to be reasonable before pulling you between his crossed knees on the bathroom counter.

Before moving on to the final few movements of the procedure, you tilt your head slightly to the left so you can see yourself in the mirror.

"When I'm not here, though, you seem to sleep like a baby." You remind him of all the occasions when he had a free day and would sleep in until noon, never returning your calls or responding to your texts.

"Because I dream about us." He approaches your face in a flirtatious manner, placing a quick peck on your lips. But you just applied some lip cream..

"Ew, what-«" You sigh and pull the tube out again to apply it again.

"Dude, that's nasty." His lips are being removed with the back of his palm while his face makes apparent that he doesn't like the cream.

"Go to bed, Martin!"

"not the middle name, wow!" Pablo  laughed, head nearing your neck to bite it.

"Pablo , come on!"

who would have thought that this guy would be

so, what was the word, needy? clingy?

well, not you, that's for sure.

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