Sleepy- João Félix

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You scrolled mindlessly on your phone while you leaned against the headboard, waiting for João to come out of the bathroom and join you. Before he left for training, the two of you had agreed over breakfast to watch a movie together tonight that you had been wanting  to see.

However, when he walked in the front door that evening, you immediately doubted the plan, seeing how exhausted he was from training. He dropped his bag on the ground by his feet as soon as he saw you walking up to him.

A sigh of relief passed through his lips as he slid his arms tightly around your waist and nuzzled his nose into your neck. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, reaching up to scratch his scalp lightly the way you knew he liked, and the soft groan he let out told you he appreciated the gesture.

After you'd finished eating the meal you'd prepared, you sent him upstairs to shower while you cleaned up, despite his protests that he wanted to help. After the dishes were washed and put away, you followed him up, changing into something more comfortable and crawling into bed, and now you're just killing time while he finishes up in the bathroom.

Not long after, the sound of the door opening caused you to look up, finding João rubbing his eyes groggily and closing the door behind him. His feet dragged along the carpet as he practically stumbled across the room towards the bed. Your heart clenched at the sight.

"Amor, you look exhausted," you sighed, grabbing the TV remote from the side table to turn it off "We can just watch the movie another night—"

"No, no, no," he insisted, shaking his head. "You've been wanting us to watch this movie all week. I'll be-"

"João ," you cut him off with a stern look. "You've had a long week with training and everything. We'll just watch it some other time."

He stood next to bed, wanting to protest "but-"

"No, we can watch it another time," you repeated, pushing the button to power off the TV and tossing the remote to the side table once more.

"No, we can watch it another time," you repeated, pushing the button to power off the TV

João was too tired to argue, and before he could, he let out a yawn despite his best attempts to stifle it. You quirked an eyebrow at him, and he merely gave you a sheepish, ashamed look.

You reached out your arms to him, your heart fluttering at his expression. "Come here," you motioned, motioning for him to lie down on you. He crept over to your side of the bed, carefully positioning himself between your legs and slipping his arms around your waist. He rested his head on your chest, and you instinctively ran your fingers through his fluffy hair , lightly scratching his scalp. You could feel the pleased smile that spread across his face as a slight shiver ran down his spine.

You two stayed that way for a while, your fingers threading through his hair and trailing to run your nails gently over his back and bare shoulders. The longer you lay there, the more still João became. You were convinced he had fallen asleep in your arms before he twisted his head around to bury his face in your neck, placing light kisses there and along your shoulder, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin.

"Have I told you lately that i don't deserve you you're too good to me." he whispered groggily, and a smile spread across your face as you shushed him. "No, I really mean it." The cracks in his voice told you he was fighting to hold onto consciousness before sleep took him.

"Go to sleep, João." you told him softly.

He let out a content sigh, and the room fell silent once again. If there had been any other noise in the room at that moment, you would have missed the way he breathed out an almost silent "i love you" before his breathing grew steady as he drifted to sleep.

"love you, too, baby."

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