Library Pranks

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-They are 17.
-Damian and Marinette pretend to be enemies but are secretly dating.

Jon's POV

Me, Mari, and Dami were all assigned to a history project. You can guess how well that'll go.

We eventually decide to meet at the library in Gotham Academy. They keep it open after school hours for students.

I push open the double doors and walk inside. With my super hearing, I hear female giggling and male laughter. "Dami, no!" Dami? The only students hear after hours should be me, Mari, and Dami-


Are they dating? I mean it would kinda make sense, considering that they always 'argue' in other languages and stuff. I must confront them!

I run over in the direction of the voices I heard. I don't hear any more giggling, so maybe I just imagined it.

I decide to go back to the table I set my stuff down on. Angry voices by the entrance of the library carry all the way here and I groan internally. Dang it. They're already arguing?!

Sigh. My hearing must be going loony.

I walk to the entrance hall. Sure enough, Mari and Dami are arguing in Arabic. I only know the basics and they are talking too fast for me to translate.

I'm not sure I want to translate.

I eventually drag them to the table and we start to work on our poster. Mari excuses herself to the bathroom. Dami goes to the shelves soon after, 'looking for a book'.

Not suspicious at all.

I mean, hanging around a family of detectives for, like, forever does things to your brain. Right? It should make you smarter.

I walk through the shelves, where I eventually see a girl with pigtails making out with a boy with black hair. Aha! Busted.

I tap her on the shoulder. She turns to me, glaring hard. Whoops. Not Marinette.

I back away, sighing internally. Where are they? I go back to the table and there they are, looking perfectly innocent. And sitting closer than they were before. Huh.

"Hey guys!" They turn to me. "Are you dating?" They simultaneously turn to each other and yell, "NO! I can't stand you!"

Behind the Scenes...

Marinette's POV

Ha! Jon still hasn't figured out that we're messing with him. The rest of Shaytan's family already knows.

When we started dating a few months ago, we agreed to 'argue' in public so that the press won't hound me. Girls still haunt my Demon, though.

We managed to get away from Jon the first time by scaling the bookshelves. Jon didn't think to look up.

The second time, we just baited him into looking for us, before heading back to the table.

I think we'll announce we're in a relationship in a few weeks.

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