Hot Chocolate

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Damian's POV

It's less than half an hour before patrol in Paris, and I want to surprise Ladybug with some hot chocolate. I decide to enter a local Parisian bakery.

The young woman at the counter is surprisingly not a harlot. She is around my age. I order a cup of hot chocolate and a cup of coffee, both to-go of course. As she starts to make them, she introduces herself.

She tells me her name (Marinette), her favorite color (red) and about her parents (they own the bakery).

I tell her about myself-my name (Damian), who the recipient of the hot chocolate is (my girlfriend), and my favorite color (black).

Eventually she finishes making them, bidding me goodbye as I step out the door. I head back to my apartment and change into my Robin suit.

I crawl out of my window and onto the roof, starting my run toward the designated patrol meeting place.

Ladybug's red and black costume is already visible there.

Marinette's POV

Where is that silly bird?

I just finished serving Alya (she comes to the bakery just to taunt me), and I'm so tired. I see the famous traffic light colors heading toward me and sigh, relieved.

He appears to be holding coffee cups. "Ladybug! I have a pick-me-up for you." He hands me a cup of hot chocolate.
I thank him, sitting on the rooftop ledge and relaxing slightly as I watch the sun go down. I take a sip and almost spit it out from looking at the cup's design.

The label on it is the name of my parents' bakery!

My cheeks flush as I think back to the guy I talked to earlier, who was 'buying hot chocolate for his girlfriend.' His name was Damian.

"Umm...Damian?" Robin flinches. So my suspicions were right. He slowly turns to me, realizing that he never told me his identity. "How did you figure it out?" He shouts.

I giggle a little. "You went to my parents' bakery this evening. I'm drinking the hot chocolate I prepared!" He nods. "Ah, so that was you! I couldn't figure out why your civilian identity looked familiar."

We stare at each other, eventually busting out laughing at the hilarity and absurdness of the situation. After our sides start to ache, we finally stop.

I say, "How about I detransform and you take off your mask." Robin, or now Damian, takes off his mask. Emerald green eyes search my face before I whisper the words, "Tikki, spots off."

There is a blinding pink light as I detransform, leaving me in Robin pajamas. I laugh at his expression of satisfaction and awe, seeing me fully for the first time (and in his colors).

We smile, elated at the knowledge of each other's identities.

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