Chapter 20

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Holding onto her bag, Hannah crouched down in the corner of her room. Looking at the video she felt sick. She couldn't get it out of her head though. Their eyes... their faces... their hands and thighs. All of it. Pure horrific gore.

Luckily, she hunched over the trash can by her just in time. Her throat burned and her eyes watered. Once she was able to stop throwing up she slowly stood and made her way to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Knock knock

"Hannah? Are you alright in there?" Her dad called from the other side of the door worried about her.

She couldn't respond. She felt her throat burn when she tried. So instead she simply opened the door and shook her head at him.

"Hey... I've been thinking... how about moving?"

"W-what!" She shrieked in response.

"Look, I know you love your friends but my main priority is your safety. Its your senior year for God's sake. You're supposed to be enjoying instead of fearing for your life! Ugh.. we'll talk more when you feel better, okay?"

Hannah simply stood there. She didn't know what to say or do so her father got the message and left her alone. Things felt so surreal. Not thing felt like it was going how it was meant to. Her entire world was upside down.

"Fuck this shit..."

Her father was watching TV from the kitchen as he made some food for them.

"Where did you think of moving to?"

"Tennessee. Not too far of a drive for us, you know?" She hummed in response.

"When would we leave?"

"As soon as possible. Like next week."

She sighed, knowing that her dad really meant to say that they were leaving and it's certain instead of just talking like it might happen. She went to the garage and yup, boxes. Lots and lots of boxes. Too tired to think she just got about five and left to her room to pack her things. She did her best to make everything fit nicely so she wouldn't need that many boxes. In the end the got just the right amount

The clothes she was still going to wear for the rest of the week she put in the top drawer of her night stand. She looked around. Her room felt smaller now. Unusually smaller.  She moved her boxes to the garage one by one and got the tool box to find the screwdriver for her bed. Once she found it she went to look for her dad to ask him for help disassembling her bed.

She found him in the kitchen looking through the dishes. He was separating them into groups to make his life packing a bit easier. He looked up to his daughter and noticed the screwdriver in her hand and he knew she was going to ask for help. With a small huff, he stood up and walled over to her and simply took the tool from Hannah and went to her room. He was surprised at how quickly she packed up her things.

He made small talk as they took apart the bed frame. It didn't go well but at leaste they spoke. It sure was better than the uncomfortable silence they had the first few minutes. It didn't take them very long to take it apart. Ten minutes at the most but it was fairly simple. They both took the pieces to the garage and boxed them there. Once that was done Hannah had little more then a weeks worth of clothes out, some hygiene products and  her mattress on the floor. That was it. That was all she needed.

She didn't think k she would have to move before graduation but here she was. Before her current school she moved around a lot. Spent only a couple years at most at each school. She was used to it. This time. It just stung. She got really attached to her friends and thought she would graduate with them.

She didn't notice it until her father pointed it out. She had been crying as she stood there with him. This felt unfair. Why was this happening now? The attacks... who's behind all of it? That's some twisted thinking. Making people suffer to make them follow their ideals. It sickened her.

Her anger got the better of her as steaming hot tears poured from her eyes. She wasn't a violent person so she would cry if angry enough. Shaking, she sat down on the floor and grabbed her head and unleashed all of her thoughts to her father. Her father simply sat down next to her and listened. He'd even give his input and agree with her if he noticed her getting sad.

They spent over two hours on the floor together. Hannah asking him questions he didn't know the answers to. He simply tried his best knowing his opinion wasn't enough to calm her down. So instead he turned to trying to get her excited for the new home. The things to do there. It worked a bit. But not much. It was something though. He even made her crack a small smile.

"Hey dad?"

"Yeah, gumdrop?"

"I'm gonna call my friends real quick. Gonna tell them and see if maybe they wanna hangout sometime before we go. Okay?"

"Sure. If anything, they can come over again. If their parents are cool with it for a second time of course."

"Okay. Thanks. You're the best, dad." He got up and closed the door softly behind him to let her talk on the phone in private.

Sighing, he sat on the couch and turned the TV on and decided on watching Discovery. He then got his phone out and began to text family letting them know that their moving snd there wasn't any reason to worry. Hannah was being kept safe.

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