32 ... pretty smart

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"WHY DID WE HAVE TO DRIVE the long way to the pharmacy on the other side of town again?" Yasmin asked, turning the corner and entering a street aligned with various small shops. Amira squirmed unnoticed. "Um," she scratched her head. "I heard it's the best one." Yasmin perked a brow.

"Since when are there best pharmacies?"

Amira shrugged, "Who knows—oh look, they have a candle shop round here," She pointed across the street and Yasmin stomped on the brakes making the car jerk and for them to jounce forward. Amira looked at Yasmin with wide eyes as she parked like a pro.

"The fuck?!" She slammed her hands on the dashboard and took a deep breath. "Yasmin, what the fuck?"

"You know how much I adore candles and their smell, it's all so romantic and comforting," She gushed shaking her head in awe before reaching for her wallet. "You're good here for a few minutes while I go raid this place right? Thanks!" She rushed out of the car before Amira could have a word. She ducked and watched Yasmin sprint across the street to the small shop.

She waited a few seconds once she went in before scampering out of the car. She glanced over at the shop to see Yasmin talking with a middle-aged woman through the window before wrapping her arms around her body and heading down the sidewalk.

She anxiously looked around as if someone were following or watching her but she knew it was all in her head. Her mind was playing tricks for what she did. Lying to Yasmin, wasting her time just so she could meet up with a corrupt man who would probably threaten her to keep quiet. She silently asked God if this was a decent idea over and over but in the end, she was just left with the unanswered question.

She paused once the park was in sight and pulled her phone out. She turned and looked down to make sure the recording was still on. If she were about to get threatened, this would be evidence and the police would have no choice but to believe her statement this time. But she was nervous. Scared in fact.

The entire Parker family made her nervous from now on. Except for poor Charlie who has to live this life.

No parents, an abusive brother, and a corrupt uncle.

She prayed he'd turned out for the best.

He was a sweet boy with a terrible family.

At least he had his angel-sent aunt.

So there was still hope for him yet.

Slipping her phone back into her back pocket, she headed across the street and into the outskirts of the park at the edge of a big field. She sat at the end of one of the benches with her limbs bunched together, bouncing her leg rapidly and anxiously. She rubbed her thighs, looking around. She began to have second thoughts. She was strong but boy was she terrified.

What if he just killed her here? Then what?

Maybe she should've told someone.

But then what would that prove?

She came to gather evidence and then to dip.

She knew Yasmin would take her sweet time in the candle shop which was her plan all along. She didn't want to Uber alone and Yasmin was the best option because she wouldn't suspect as much. She simply told her she needed to go to the pharmacy to be put on birth control. Yasmin didn't ask questions and agreed to help a friend with no car who happily repaid her with gas money. But, she was already on the pill.

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