28 ... om!nous

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trigger warning because apparently
people don't read tags or warnings anymore.


AMIRA STILL FELT OMINOUS. She contemplated whether or not she should tell Kaz at the moment. Maybe a public diner would've been the best option, but she wanted to save both of them in case a scene was made. She may not have known Kaz for that long, but she thought he was an understanding guy. How understanding? That's what she would find out.

But before she could do any of that, her mind was set on other things. Besides Carter and the way he was sunk forty inches deep in her—exaggerated of course but not too far off, the story Cato told her was set focused on her thoughts. Not only did the story make him sound offended that Cato had a crush on him, but he sounded almost unstable. She'd been itching to ask him about it since then but had always been hesitant.

Gradually, Amira twisted her neck and her eyes set on Kaz. They were up in his mansion bedroom sitting on a big enough beanbag chair in front of his dramatic movie theater-like-sized tv. They chewed on popcorn from the home popcorn machine that tasted nothing like the theaters. Theater popcorn lasted for days and the flavor was one of a kind. This popcorn tasted dry, even with the butter—which tasted like dish soap somehow. But she didn't complain. How could she?

The difference between the Knights and the Parkers—the knights were filthy rich, but they weren't exaggerated and flashed their money. Every Knight had the simplest things in their rooms. The interior of the house, in and out, was expensive, but that's how far it goes. Every knight earned their things by doing the simplest things around the house. Which is how Theo afforded all of his cameras. He earned his first one on Christmas and worked to earn the rest. That was one thing she loved about the family. Not that it mattered, but they didn't make her feel any less. She felt glued to them. They were the best part of her job—of her day.

The Parkers loved flaunting their money though. The second she walked into the house, a bunch of women and men—butlers and maids, came to take care of her things and tried shoving gourmets in her face.

Granted, they were just doing their jobs but there were so many of them. It took at least a minute to get from downstairs to Kaz's bedroom with the hallways being so long and bland white. Along them, framed men surrounded by cash were on display and when she asked about them, the answer wasn't surprising at all.

"Generations of the Parker men bringing in wealth."

Should she judge the family so quickly? Definitely not but the more she explored the house with a tour, the more she found it hard. She was pretty sure the top floor of the house was a glass office. There was an elevator at the end of the hall that Kaz told her to ignore.

She watched Kaz's facial expressions render cringe. Teen Wolf was—in fact, is rather cringe. Or to say, the show has its cringe moments, but you wouldn't notice the first time around growing up with the show. It's like rewatching your favorite childhood shows as an adult and finally understanding the over-the-head dirty jokes. Unless you knew much more than you should've at the ages of seven and up. Therefore, Kaz was in for a long, yet enjoyable ride. Amira decided to shake her thoughts and reached over him to grab water to wash down the horrible popcorn. As she flopped back in her spot, she made a face at Kaz when he leaned to sniff her. "Good there Fido?" She chuckled nervously.

He paused for a moment, his eyes moving up her body until he reached her eyes. Amira gulped down some water with a raised eyebrow. Then, he snapped out of it and backed away. Amira stared at him suspiciously.

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