45. What Are You Trying To Get At?

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Jimin's 1st Person POV

It's 7:30am on a Sunday morning, and I'm halfway back to my destination. I'm glad I decided to take my own car to this trip because now, I was able to leave earlier than planned. I want to get to Seattle and confess to Luella as soon as possible. I want her to know that I want us to no longer be in an open relationship.

I just hope she feels the same way.

I keep doubting myself this whole drive, so far. But, I can't back down. If she doesn't feel the same way, then it will hurt but I'll have to accept it and break it off. As much as I don't want to let her go, I also don't want us to see other people.

If she decides she doesn't want to be monogamous with me, then I'll respect that, but I just don't know if I can handle the idea of her being involved with other people. If she's happy never wanting to be in a relationship, then I'll let her be.

I want her and only her. And, if I can't have her, then I just have to let her go.

But, maybe this will work out. Maybe, she feels the same way.

The only way I'll find out is if I just grow some balls and just tell her.

I really need to drive faster because these thoughts are making me more apprehensive by the minute.


I'm finally at the hotel. I was the one that booked her room as a treat. She tried to decline my offer, claiming she can afford getting a room herself, but I told her I wanted to do this little gesture for her. She eventually accepted but told me that she has to at least take me out to my favorite steakhouse, her treat, so we shook hands on it.

I'm now on her floor, walking towards the door of her hotel room.

My heartbeat increases, my nervousness not subsiding whatsoever. I try to take deep breaths to help keep myself composed. As soon as I'm in front of her door, I inhale and exhale. Then, I knock on the door.

A half minute later, the door opens and I'm met with a man with broad shoulders who I know to be Luella's business partner.


He's shirtless and only has his black dress pants on. It looks like he quickly threw them on.

His neck is littered with hickeys.

"Jin, who's at the door?" I hear the familiar voice ask and I see her appear from behind Jin. She cranes her neck over his shoulder, and her eyes widen.

"Jimin?" Luella croaks out.

"I was here to surprise you, but I guess you're busy. I'm just going to leave." The words come out of me, trying to sound as if I'm unaffected. But, I feel completely dejected. I tried my best to look stoic, but I couldn't help but show that I am hurt by the sight before me. I quickly turn around and start walking down the hallway.

I wish the elevator wasn't so far.

"Jimin!" I hear Luella call out as she tries to follow me. I realize that she caught up with me when I feel her fingers gently wrap around my wrist. I turn around to face her. I can't help but notice she's wearing a loose white shirt and pajama pants.

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