32. Ground Rules

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Jimin's 1st Person POV

"Well, I'm not a hundred percent sure yet, but if we go over expectations and general rules and it all feels right, then maybe I might come to the decision that open relationships might be for me." Luella thinks out loud. She's currently laying on the bed with pillows propping her head up.

"That's fair enough. We can discuss it now, and if you decide it's not for you, then I'll respect that. But, I do hope you consider it." I honestly tell her as I am sitting up, cross-legged on the bed, facing her.

"Okay, sounds good. So, where do we begin?" She asks with confusion in her voice. I can understand since there is a lot to consider.

"Why don't we start with boundaries?" I suggest to her and I see her nod in agreement. She grabs her phone from the nightstand beside her.

"Boundaries? Like sex boundaries with other people we may be involved with?" She asks as clarification.

"Exactly. And, with us as well. We would be each other's main focus in this relationship, but we will see others with little to no commitment. If we are sleeping with other people, we need to make sure we both stay healthy. My last check up was right before you and I met. I have slept with one other person. But, I am clean. Maybe we should do check ups every once in while." I awkwardly spout out my idea. But, Luella seems to be agreeing with me as she nods a few times while I was talking.

"I think that's wise. I have slept with other people but I've always used protection. And, I'm also on birth control pills." She informs me and I nod back at her.

"Oh, so, would you consider if we had sex unprotected? I know it could get messy if the two of us are seeing other people. I'll respect it if you want us to continue using protection." I thought to bring that up because I honestly do want to know how she feels while I'm fully bare.

"It could get messy, but it depends on how we make of it. I'll be honest with everything if you are. How about we agree to use protection with other people. If one of us don't use protection at some point, with another person, we'll have to be honest to each other about it so we can take precautions." Luella types the rule on her phone's notes app.

"Yes, I think that makes sense." I agree with her, as I move my body in a position where I can see what she's typing on her phone.

"And, how about we get checked every three to six months for any sexual transmitted diseases?" Luella questions in such a business-like manner.

"We can do that. And, if there is a situation when we do need to check sooner, we should." I suggest to her and I see her typing it in her phone.

"I'm in agreement there." Luella chimes and continues to speak, "How about the people we are involved with? Should we be aware of those people in each other's lives?"

"What do you mean?" I ask her to elaborate.

"So, there is this person who I have this arrangement with. He's my neighbor, but neither of us have ever wanted anything serious and it will remain that way. Do you want to know about him?" Luella questions and stares at me as if awaiting my answer

"I guess I'd like to know about those who you might regularly see," I tell her with a curious tone.

"And vice versa- I'd like to know any of those who you intend on being involved with more than once." Luella replies back and continues to type the rules.

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