22. Bodypaint

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Jungkook's 1st Person POV

"Ready to paint?!" I question Luella with genuine enthusiasm as I slightly hold up my art tackle box.

"Damn right, I am, Kook. Come in! I have the balcony floor and railing covered with the tarps you brought last time! And, I have all my paint supplies out there. You can go ahead and set up the canvasses. I'll grab us some beers." She motions me to enter the apartment. I nod, trying to keep my cool while low key checking her out in one of her usual old loose band tees and shorts she wears when she paints. You can tell those are her go-to painting clothes with the paint stains from the past painting sessions she's had.

I slip off my black Nike slides and head into the balcony while Luella rushes over to the kitchen to grab a couple beer bottles out of the fridge. I place my tackle box to the side and place the couple canvasses I brought for both of us.

As I'm standing in front of my canvas, trying to figure out what to paint, I see a bottle of beer being held up in front of me. I grab it and turn to face Luella, who was standing behind me.

"Thanks, Lu," I say to her with a grin and then I take a swig of the cold beer.

"So, any idea of what you're going to paint?" She asks with a curious tone in her voice as she looks right into my eyes. She has no idea the effect she has on me when she looks into my eyes.

"I...um," I don't know why I choke on my words while she gazes at me. I awkwardly shake my head and mentally compose myself and I try to speak once again. "I was thinking about looking through some pictures I took a couple weeks ago when a few friends and I went camping. We were by a lake and I think I might paint a landscape including that lake."

"Oh, you don't do a lot of landscape paintings! I'm looking forward to seeing what you end up with!" Her naturally cheerful voice makes me smile at her.

"What about you, Lu? What are you thinking of painting?" I ask her, fully sure that I'm going to be intrigued with anything she comes up with.

"I had this weird vision of a girl being carried away by bats, so I think I'm going to attempt that*," she shares with me, and I'm not completely surprised. Luella has a whimsical style when it comes to her paintings. She tends to paint images that are fantastical. I'm honestly always in awe with the way she executes her paintings and love how they turn out. I'm not just saying it because I'm biased, it's just that she's truly talented.

Well, why don't we get started?!" I motion my hands over to the area where the canvasses are propped against the covered balcony railing, to assure that paint doesn't get everywhere. Luella smiles at me and sits, cross-legged in front of one canvas, and I sit right next to her.

As I start to paint the sky, I notice Luella start to paint the woman who will be the focal point of her painting.

As we paint, we talk about random things which eventually leads Luella to asking me a question she seemed to be nervous about asking.

"Kook...um, I was wondering...I, um...aren't you seeing someone?" She speaks all while her eyes are glued to the painting she's working on.

"Why do you ask?" I arch a brow as I look at her.

"I just thought you were seeing that one woman, and not that long ago, you and I kissed," her voice comes out somewhat awkward.

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