350: Hot chocolate

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December 16th - Prompt: Snow day


Peter shut the front door after him and his siblings, shivering as he brushed the snow from his hair.

Their Mum came out into the hallway when she heard them, and smiled a little. "I thought you all might be sent home." She said. "It's really coming down out there isn't it?"

Peter chuckled a little. "Yeah." He breathed.

"We got a snow day!" Edmund said happily.

"If it settles can we go play out in it?" Lucy asked excitedly as she pulled off her wooly hat.

Helen smiled at her. "If it settles yes." She told her.

An eight year old Edmund grinned. "This beats maths." He said happily, flinging his coat over the banister.

"You lot go in the living room and I'll make some hot chocolate." Helen said. "You're all probably freezing."

"I'll help." Susan said, following her Mum into the kitchen.

The other three walked into the living room, Edmund immediately burying himself under a blanket that was on the sofa.

Lucy headed over to sit by the fire that was burning, warming her hands up as she sat there.

"Ugh I'm so glad it snowed just before maths." Edmund piped up.

Peter smirked. "So you've said." He replied.

Edmund grinned at him, before Susan and their Mum brought the hot chocolates in.


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