279: He did deserve it

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October 6th - Prompt: You deserve it


Edmund yawned as he headed over to his wardrobe, still half asleep but knowing he should go find his siblings for breakfast.

After waking up and noticing the time, he'd kicked himself for sleeping in so late, and on his first day of being King too.

In his mind it didn't matter that he'd stayed up until at least 2am the previous night, or that he was still exhausted from the last week. He should be proving to the Narnians that he would be a good King, and sleeping in the first day probably wasn't a good way to start.

Pulling out a tunic, shirt and trousers he dumped them on his bed, before pulling his nightshirt over his head.

He went to pick up his shirt, but caught sight of his back in the reflection of the nearby mirror, making him freeze.

Edmund stood there, taking a deep breath as he turned his head to stare properly in the mirror.

He could only see a bit of his back, but it was enough to see a few of the lashes crisscrossing his pale skin.

Biting his lip, Edmund sighed and sunk down to sit at the end of his bed, running a hand through his hair.

He shuddered after a moment, the witches voice echoing in his mind.

You deserve it

He squeezed his eyes shut, holding his breath, before he heard the door open.

He looked up, forcing a small smile when Peter walked in.

"Oh you're up." He breathed, closing the door. "I just came to get you for breakfast."

Edmund nodded. "Yeah, don't worry." He breathed. "Let me just get changed."

He turned his back to Peter, and realised his mistake two seconds later when he heard a sharp intake of breath come from his older brother.

He swung around, swallowing hard. "S - Sorry." He whispered. 

Peter took a deep breath, before shaking his head. "Don't be sorry Ed." He sighed, before smiling weakly. "I'll leave you to get changed, meet me down in the dining hall, yeah?" 

"Yeah," Edmund whispered. "Thank you."

Peter nodded a little, reaching for the door. "And Edmund?" 

Edmund glanced up at him, giving him a questioning look.

Peter hesitated a little. "You didn't deserve it." He whispered, before quietly leaving.

Edmund wanted to question Peter on how he knew what he'd been thinking. but then he reckoned his eyes probably gave it away, after all Peter said they always did.

With a sigh he turned back to his clothes, tears stinging his eyes. 

In his mind... He did deserve it...

And he'd never forgive himself for what he did to his siblings.


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