308: I won't tell Mum and Dad

207 12 2

November 4th - Prompt: Once upon a time


"Come on, just one chapter?"

Peter sighed a little. "It's late Lu." He told her, sounding unsure.

"I won't tell Mum and Dad." Lucy tried.

"They'll be back soon Lucy." Peter said. "If you're not in bed by then they won't be very happy."

"I'll be in bed." Lucy said firmly. "Come on! I'll fake being asleep if they come back."

Peter couldn't help but smile a little at this, and eventually he just couldn't find it in himself to say no. "Oh alright." He breathed. "But if I get in trouble, I'll blame you."

Lucy shrugged. "Sounds fair." She said, climbing into bed and grabbing the book on her bedside table.

Peter took it from her and waited until she was comfortable, before opening the book on the first page and beginning to read.

"Once upon a time..."


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