228: You scared me

387 18 3

August 16th - Prompt: Do you trust me?


"E - Ed listen to me." Peter choked, gripping Edmunds wrist as he dangled over a high drop, gripping the edge with one hand, the other arm dislocated and hanging limp at his side.

Edmund glanced up at him, nothing but terror in his eyes.

"When I say, let go of the ledge." Peter said. "I'll pull you up okay?"

From where Peter was laying on his stomach, leaning over the ledge, he was struggling to hold on to his brother, but he couldn't let go.

He took a deep breath at the look on Edmunds face, and forced a smile. "Come on, we've done this plenty of times." He teased lightly.

Edmund sighed, swallowing hard. "The other times I didn't have a dislocated shoulder." He grumbled.

Peter bit his lip. "I'll sort that out when I get you up and safe okay?" He murmured.

Edmund nodded slowly. "Okay." He whispered. "Please just hurry, I'm slipping."

"Okay," Peter breathed. "3...2...1... let go Ed."

Edmund did as Peter had said, and Peter quickly began pulling his brother up.

He did at one point have to grab his brother's other arm, and winced at the cry of pain that escaped Edmund as he pulled on the arm, but he wouldn't of gotten Edmund up without doing it.

Edmund groaned once he was sat on solid ground, taking deep breaths and gritting his teeth against the pain.

Peter sighed in relief, but at the groan he turned straight to his brother, takin hold of his arm.

"Have - Have you ever done this before?" Edmund whispered, voice shaking.

Peter swallowed hard. "Um, not exactly no." He murmured.

Edmund sighed. "Great." He grumbled.

"We - We could wait until we get home?" Peter suggested.

"That could be days Pete." Edmund sighed.

Peter bit his lip. "If it makes you feel better, I know how to do it," He said. "I've just never actually done it."

Edmund nodded a little. "You're just gonna have to do it Peter." He told his brother.

Peter sighed. "Do you trust me?" He asked slowly.

Edmund chuckled weakly. "Of course I trust you." He breathed. "Go on, just do it."

Peter stared at his brother, unable to ignore the fact he'd gone rather pale, but took a deep breath. "On three." He murmured.

Edmund nodded, bracing himself.


Peter did it on two, cringing at the crack.

Edmund managed to only groan, but he leant over, his face nearly touching the floor as he choked on his breath.

"Sorry." Peter whispered. "Does - Does it at least feel better?"

Edmund, after recovering, slowly sat up and nodded. "I think it's okay." He mumbled.

"Do you feel okay?" Peter asked.

"Honestly I feel quite sick." Edmund muttered, swallowing hard.

Peter looked a little worried, but Edmund either didn't notice or ignored the look. "Well done though." He murmured. "You did a good job."

"Just - returning the favour." Peter sighed.

"What, from last year?" Edmund questioned.

Peter smiled a little. "Yeah." He replied.

"To be honest, you dislocating your shoulder last year was entirely your fault." Edmund pointed out. "This wasn't my fault."

Peter nodded a little. "I - I promise you, I'll find whoever hurt you." He mumbled. "They won't get away with this."

Edmund smiled weakly and nodded. "I know." He whispered. "Thanks."

"What if I found you first."

Peter swung around, drawing his sword at the sight of the man who'd hurt his brother.

The man only nodded, and Peter's sword flew from his hand, landing too far away for him to reach without being easily stopped.

"Magic..." Edmund thought, shuddering.

Peter's heart pounded... how on earth was he supposed to protect his brother from someone with Magic, he was utterly defenseless, unarmed, un prepared...

This man wanted to kill Edmund, and he would do it unless Peter stopped him...

He froze after a moment, glancing at the edge of the cliff, before slowly turning to Edmund.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered.

Edmund frowned. "Peter, what?" He murmured.

Peter shook his head, before he tackled the man, pushing them both over the edge of the cliff.

Edmund could only watch as his brother disappeared from view, his heart leaping into his throat. "PETER!!!!!!!" He screamed, voice cracking half way through.

He leapt to his feet, struggling a little when his legs shook, before running to the edge, feeling like he was about to throw up.

He glanced down, and collapsed to his knees, a slight laugh escaping him. "You - You absolute idiot." He choked.

Peter glanced up from where he was stood on an extremely thin ledge a little way below, obviously having grabbed on and lifted himself up before he could fall to his death. "Sorry." He breathed.

Edmund swallowed hard. "You - You scared me." He muttered.

Peter looked a little guilty. "At least he's gone." He murmured, glancing down.

Edmund nodded slowly. "I suppose so." He breathed. "Just don't you ever do that again."

Peter smiled. "I won't, don't worry." He told him. "Now come on, imma need some help getting up."


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