318: Since I was a child

191 13 2

November 14th - Prompt: Childhood stories


Edmund coughed a little as he pulled the box towards him. "I'm gonna be sneezing for the next week." He grumbled, wiping his sleeve over his face and sighing.

Peter smirked. "Come on, we've only got a few more boxes to go through," He told him.

Edmund nodded a little, opening up the box he had. "More books," He muttered with a small smile. "What a surprise."

Peter chuckled. "We have a lot of books." He acknowledged.

Edmund pulled one of the books out of the box, eyes going a little wider. "Oh gosh." He breathed. "You remember giving this to me?"

Peter glanced over, smiling when he saw the book. "You read that book so much." He said. "How come it ended up there?"

Edmund shrugged, staring down at the green cover, Peter Pan written in gold letters across the front. "I have no idea." He breathed, "I haven't read this since I was a child."

"Maybe you should re read it." Peter suggested, trying to get into another box but struggling slightly.

"Maybe I will." Edmund agreed, placing the book off to the side.

Peter smiled. "Now come on, let's get this done." He said.

Edmund glared playfully at his brother, but did as he was told, reaching back into the box to see what else was inside.


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