Chapter Twenty-nine

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By the time we arrived at the fine upscale Korean restaurant in Siam, thoughts of Ja and sunshine cutie had faded to the back of my mind. I had no doubt the choice of restaurant was not Nat's. The elegance and sophistication spoke for itself.

"This certainly isn't our style," I said as we stood in line, waiting our turn to be ushered in by the receptionist.

"Good! I don't want to run into any of my past hookups like the last time I was on date, they're always awkward," Nat replied, his eyes darting around in search of our dates.

I joined him in the search, not knowing who in particular to look out for. The restaurant was broad and most of it open, you could get a good view of the entirety of the space from the entrance.

"Oh! Over there!" Nat waved over at two men on the left end of the restaurant and they waved back.

"Which one is mine?" I asked.

"The one in the leather jacket."

"He's gorgeous." I smiled at the dark-haired beauty and his smile broadened.

"And your type, sweet on the inside, bitter on the outside."

That had always been my go-to genre of men when it came to dating. Rough looking bad boys who were sweet on the inside. After my numerous failures at finding a bad boy who was actually sweet on the inside, I completely gave up. But in that moment, I was immediately drawn by his glowing cockiness and play boy smile. His brown skin smooth like butter under the warm toned light where he sat.

"What is his name again?" I asked Nat, leaving my gaze on him.

"Kasem and mine is Boon."

Kasem ran his hands through his hair and sucked his lower lip in, we were flirting with our eyes until his friend smacked his head, dragging his attention away and I chuckled.

"Wait... Boon, like sex on a swing Boon?'


"You brought one of your lays to our date?" I raised my brows at him.

"How did you think I met Kasem in the first place, or got him to see your picture?"

I sighed.

"Next," the receptionist called and we walked over.

A few words later and we were escorted to our table by a waiter. Kasem and Boon got up to welcome us with bows and pleasantries before we sat opposite them. The waiter dropped menus and glasses of water before departing.

"Sorry we're a bit late," Nat apologized, sipping his water.

"No you're not! You love being fashionably late, you bugger!" Boon teased and Nat shared a laugh with him, smacking their palms together.

Nat and Boon had on and off hook-ups over the years, they were very good friends and shared the same sense of humor, holding each other in high regard. Nat always spoke of him fondly and it was nice to put a face to man after endless stories about their sexual encounters.

"Thanks for finally agreeing to meet me, Kit," Kasem said, in a deep, husky tone. His smile was subtle but piercing. 

"I promise, I'm usually not stubborn."

"I have a feeling that is not true," he replied with a smirk on his lips. "You're quite handsome in person, your pictures do not do you justice."

"I bought a shirt just for this date, it's the shirt." I flipped through the menu.

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