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i fell down to the floor holding my side and the man started cussing and ran away.

the woman stopped down by me and started applying pressure.

"i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry. thank you, you saved my life. i can't be here when the police arrive, but i'll call them." the woman whispered as she ran off.

i tried to yell for her, but all i could do was lay there in the cold completely paralyzed.

i heard footsteps walking before running steps came towards me.

"sweetie, holy fuck! stay away!!" an older gentleman yelled as he picked me up.

i yelped in pain as he did so and felt tears come into my vision.

"it hurts." i sobbed as i held my stomach.

"stay awake and talk with me sweetheart." the man spoke as he was running towards the hospital.

i felt myself slowly loosing consciousness as he was running.

we arrived in front of the hospital and i was seeing double.

"no no! honey! keep your eyes open!" he yelled as he placed me down. "someone help! please!"

i heard running footsteps heading my direction.

"ophelia? grab a gurney now!" i heard a familiar voice yell.

the last thing i saw before i passed out was ashton on top of me holding my wound.

michael's pov

i finished rounding on patients when i got a 911 page down in the ER. i started running through the hospital before freezing at the sight in front of me.

my daughter with a gun shot wound lying there on a trauma bed.

"o-ophelia? b-baby?" i spoke with a shaky voice as i began to walk forward.

i saw calum motion to ashton about moving me away.

ashton nodded and quickly pulled me into a tight hug before turning me around.

"it's not worth it mate, look away." ashton whispered as he practically dragged me away.

as soon as we got into his office, we sat down and i spoke with tears running down my face, "who the fuck did this?"

"we don't know. there was an anonymous call who came in about a girl who just got shot and the man who saw her on the ground didn't see what happened. the police are trying to track down the woman who called." ashton spoke slowly.

"i hate to ask this, but is she going to make it?" asked softly.

"only time will tell." ashton spoke with tears in his own eyes.

luke came running into ashton's office with tears in his eyes.

"i just heard, is there any update? is she okay?" luke asked.

"we don't know, cal hasn't come with any updates yet." ashton spoke softly.

"fuck, why did this even happen." luke sighed as he sat down putting his head into his hands.

"she's a fighter. she'll make it. we just have to trust she will fight." ashton spoke with a tiny bit of hope.

i couldn't lose her. sure, she hasn't been my daughter for that long, but she is still my daughter and i love her to bits.

calum came walking in slowly, "so, the surgery went well. the bullet was removed, but she is under heavy anesthesia right now. we won't know if she's truly intact until she wakes up which could be tomorrow or a week from now."

i felt myself lose complete control and punched the wall in my building.

"holy fuck, this is what fear feels like." i muttered as i held my hand.

ashton quickly walked over and sat next to me, "if you are going to make it through this, we can't be doing this. stay focused and positive that she will make it. we don't have a reason to doubt it yet."

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