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"what will happen if i do?" i mumbled as i looked at my hands.

"well, you would either go live with a foster family or another member of your family." he spoke softly.

"hm. okay." i spoke quickly as i stood up.

"where you going?" michael smiled lightly.

"weren't you going to check my cast?" i replied.

"oh but of course!" he laughed as he walked over.

he gently brought my arm up and put a finger inside my cast.

"you see how i can fit my finger inside the cast. it's way too loose. i'm going to need to change it out. however, you can't move an inch because we don't want to disturb the healing of your arm." he spoke as he stood back up and walked towards the door.

i nodded and followed behind him closely.

we arrived into the same room he brought me to put on the cast. i quickly sat on a chair.

"i'll give you a choice. to prevent moving, i would prefer if one of my interns or ash because he's free right now, to hold your arm steady as i take it off." michael spoke as he put on some gloves.

"ash." i spoke quickly.

"perfect! let me page him real quick." he smiled.

soon enough ash came walking into the room.

"hey beautiful." he smiled as he walked up to me.

"okay, so here's how this is going to go. i need ash to hold your arm as i cut through the cast and while i make the new cast to prevent any moving or further damage." michael spoke as he brought out a huge drill.

"woah woah woah! wait, is that going to hurt? is it going to hurt period?" i asked as i slowly brought my arm back.

"this? nope not at all. it won't even touch your skin. it is just used to cut through the cast. your arm may hurt a bit because it's not fully healed, but it shouldn't be unbearable." michael smiled.

"plus, mickey couldn't hurt a fly." ashton added with a chuckle.

"mickey? i like it." i smiled as i stared at him.

"yeah yeah whatever." michael muttered with an eye roll.

i gently placed my arm on ashton's and michael immediately began to drill into the cast. soon the cast was able to be pulled off and i immediately felt a sting of pain as it was being removed.

i went to pull my arm back when ashton quickly caught my wrist.

"don't move." ash spoke quickly as he held my arm still.

"i-i'm sorry. i felt this sting shoot up my arm as soon as the cast came off." i stuttered as i looked up at michael.

"a sting? really? that's not normal. most of the time i hear about it being uncomfortable, but never a sting. before we put the cast on, i want to get one more x-ray." michael spoke as he dropped the equipment.

i went to grab my arm when ashton stopped
me and stood up, "place your arm on mine, it will be easier." he smiled.

i nodded and placed my arm on his.

we walked to the x-ray room slowly and i quickly hopped onto the table. michael gently took my arm and moved it into the position he wanted the x-ray.

"don't move." he whispered as he walked away.

michael's pov

i walked back with ashton to go press the button.

as soon as the picture was out i felt my blood go cold.  the part where we had the cast was healing really well, but there was a hairline fracture that i somehow missed in her upper arm.

"there, it's small, but it's there." i pointed to ashton.

"won't that just heal in time?" he asked.

"depends. if she goes back home tonight with her parents, i doubt it."

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