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after we got home from disneyland we all crashed on the couch.

a couple days passed and everything was pretty normal. i was getting more and more nervous for my fathers trial though.

i was almost regretting agreeing to testify.

today was the day of the trial. i got out of bed and pulled on a long sleeved black dress. i pulled my hair into a low pony tail and put on makeup before walking downstairs slowly.

i saw michael waiting downstairs for me.

"hey baby." he whispered as he smiled lightly in my direction.

"i-i'm very nervous." i spoke softly.

"understandably so." he spoke as he brought me in for a hug.

"what if- "no what ifs. let's not think of the bad possibilities until the trial is over." michael interrupted as he bent down to my level.

"please be strong for me. fight for me. no matter what the results are, i'm here for you." michael whispered.

soon all of the boys filed downstairs wearing suits and ties. we all walked to the car and drove off to the court house.

when we first arrived, i was confronted by the prosecutor who came to our house.

"i forgot to inform you, because you are a witness, the defense will be able to cross examine you. they are going to ask the most aggravating and absurd questions, but ignore them and answer honestly." lionel spoke firmly.

i nodded and went inside the court room with the boys behind me.

i sat down next to them in the front row and soon enough my father came out and sat down. he looked worse than before. i felt like shit.

he stared at me and gave me a weak smile before turning around. i felt tears enter my eyes and i quickly tried to push them away with my hand.

luke saw my struggle to stay calm and gently grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"the judge is entering the room." one of the jury members announced.

we all stood up and sat down as instructed.

"i'm going to begin the case of todd marven against the state with the charges of child abuse, neglect, and using a minor as a test product for drugs." the judge spoke as she stared at my father.

the proceeding went pretty quickly with the opening sentences and eventually i was called to the stand.

i shakily stood up and walked inside. i raised my right hand and swore under the court.

"the prosecution may proceed." the judge commanded.

"so ophelia, can you tell me a bit about your home life as a child?" lionel asked.

"i-it was hell. that's the best way i can put it. my mother was constantly abused by the man in front of me. i grew up listening to him throwing things and acting super abusive." i spoke softly.

"can you tell me about charles?" he asked.

"charles was a partner my father set up for me. he was 21 and i was 14 when we first met. he was given permission to abuse me by my father if i did something as little as moving a fork." i mumbled.

"thank you sweetie, could you tell me about the weeks leading up to your fathers arrest?" he asked.

"w-well my father started to beat me physically even though my mom asked him to stop, but he didn't. he never stopped and it hurt. i went to the hospital to get my cast removed from the broken arm charles gave me and i ended up confessing to michael about what happened." i whispered.

"did your father bring you any mental or physical pain?" lionel asked.

"physical, yes all of the bruises and self inflicted cuts because of how sad i truly was. how hurt i really was. i have flashbacks of the moments of him beating me and can't go a day without thinking about his words." i spoke firmly.

"are you scared of your father?" lionel asked.

"deathly. i'm scared if i live with him again he'll kill me."

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