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michael and i walked back together as the boys sat in the front room.

we walked back to the kitchen where we sat across from the man questioning me.

"i'm going to be taking notes so i can build my case, your information will stay between me and my team." he spoke firmly.

i nodded and started to play with my fingers.

"so, can you tell me how life was growing up?" lionel asked.

"since i can remember, my dad was always abusive and mean to my mom. he would put her down, make mean remarks, and sometimes even become violent with her. she would never leave him and i never understood why. he was always so mean to me. not in the sense that he would hit me, just more cold. he wanted nothing to do with me." i finished slowly.

"i see, can you tell me about charles and when that whole situation started?" he asked.

"m-my father set up an arranged relationship when i was 14 and he was 21. so it was already illegal. my dad told charles that he could hurt me however he wanted if i disobeyed him. he just wasn't allowed to break bones or seriously injury me, until he did." i whispered as i began to shake.

"breath babe." michael reminded as he touched my arm.

"he broke my arm and made me cough up blood because i asked about work at the dinner table. my family believed that abuse was punishment. the men had all the power over the women." i muttered.

"i'm sorry." lionel spoke softly. "could you tell me about the past couple weeks after charles was arrested?"

"my parents came up with this punishment and chore list. i ended up dropping from 105 lbs to 97 lbs because they wouldn't let me eat. i ran into the boys at the store one night and they drove me home, but my parents saw the car in the driveway and went ballistic. my mom never laid a hand on me, but my dad beat me 3 times after that." i spoke with tears in my eyes.

i looked over and michael to see tears in his too.

"i didn't want to tell you this because i felt so terrible, but i began to self harm again. it was too much and i couldn't handle my emotions anymore. ashton saw it when i was finally coming clean about the abuse, but i couldn't stand to hurt any of you." i spoke with tears running down my face.

"i'm sorry baby. it's okay, no one's mad." michael whispered as he pulled me close.

"i'm sorry to interrupt and ask, but has your treatment ever made you contemplate your life?" lionel asked.

"yes, i attempted suicide twice." i whispered.

"okay. i'm so sorry you have went through this and i wish i could help more than i can right now. that's all the questions i have right now. i do have a favor to ask that you think over. could you consider being a witness and victim during the trial. your testimony will help with his sentencing." lionel spoke slowly.

"i'll do it. j-just send us the date." i stuttered.

"thank you ophelia. you're so damn strong." he smiled lightly as he walked out of the room.

we followed him out of the house. as soon as the door shut michael spun around.

"can i have cal take a look at the cuts just to make sure no permanent damage is done?"

"u-um, no damage was done." i spoke gently.

"please?" michael asked as he stared at me. "you don't have to be embarrassed, i'm not doing this to judge you. i just want to make sure your healthy."

i nodded slowly and looked up at him,

"first, can i get a hug?"

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